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Author Topic: Twilight Fanfiction - 2016 Search and Find More Than 152 Fanfics  (Read 1187631 times)

Offline ficfangirl


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Offline S.

Re: The Office by tby789
« Reply #881 on: April 29, 2016, 02:43 PM »
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I remember Edward was a CEO and Bella was working for him but they are dating but none of his company knows it.

I think she was an intern but gets fired and tats when they relationship is revealed

Also I remember they went on a business trip but Bella decided she wanted to stay with her co-workers to keep up the secret but it backfires or something like that.

And they end up needing a place to work so she brings them to her and Edwards's hotel room where he is at and the co-workers can't believe he looks so normal.
The office by tby789?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 03:40 PM by ficfangirl »
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.”
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Offline vampire1642

Re: Twilight Fanfiction - 2016 Search and Find More Than 152 Fanfics
« Reply #882 on: April 29, 2016, 03:30 PM »
its not that one but thanks for the suggestion.
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2

Offline CharReader

Re: Twilight Fanfiction - 2016 Search and Find More Than 152 Fanfics
« Reply #883 on: April 29, 2016, 04:45 PM »
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its not that one but thanks for the suggestion.

I think you're the person I suggested this site to on FFN, don't be discouraged someone else might have another suggestion.   

Are there any other details you can remember?  Even small ones might jog someone's memory.  A lot of people around the world read this thread so it might take a little while to get another response because of differing time zones.

Offline Wicked

REQ The Dress by redtini
« Reply #884 on: April 29, 2016, 06:14 PM »
I was in the middle of reading "the dress" by Redtini 1 when she took it down for publishing. Does someone have a saved pdf please help!!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 06:53 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2

Offline shorty1773

UL The Dress by redtini
« Reply #885 on: April 29, 2016, 07:04 PM »
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I was in the middle of reading "the dress" by Redtini 1 when she took it down for publishing. Does someone have a saved pdf please help!!

Here is The Dress by redtini

Offline Sukiethree

Re: Story Search FOUND
« Reply #886 on: April 30, 2016, 02:45 AM »
Looking for E/B. Bella lives with Rose and Emmett. I think it's in Chicago. Stopped by Jacob at airport? who asks her to help him catch Edward (can't remember if he's Masen or Cullen) because he's in mob. Jacob might be FBI? Looked through hundreds of summaries of my saved stories and can't find anything. Can anyone help with title or author please  :)

FOUND - The End, The Beginning by starpower31
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 10:30 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline bigbink

Re: Story Search FOUND
« Reply #887 on: April 30, 2016, 05:49 AM »
E/B; complete; it could be a O/S but that's just a guess.
Bella and Edward are married and have two kids? Maybe twins(not sure about the twin part) and I think both are boys.
What I remember is that (probably the beginning of the story) Bella is angry with Edward about something while she is stressed. She is in the middle of bringing her two kids to the airport because they were going to a camp? or something sports related.
Bella had a coffee and had put it on the hood of the car. In her anger and because/maybe she was late, she forgot it and sped away. Bella herself was only in old mishmashed clothes and maybe a bathrobe too and her hair wasn't fixed because she had not enough time for herself on that morning.
At the airport after she had dropped her kids, Edward showed up (with a limo maybe) and surprised her with a getaway trip. I think he didn't have much time for her before and this is his apology.
Does anyone remember this story?  ^-^

FOUND - The Summer of Lethes Demise by GothicTemptress
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 10:31 AM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2, Moodysammy

Offline wizards30

The Summer of Lethes Demise by GothicTemptress
« Reply #888 on: April 30, 2016, 09:04 AM »
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E/B; complete; it could be a O/S but that's just a guess.
Bella and Edward are married and have two kids? Maybe twins(not sure about the twin part) and I think both are boys.
What I remember is that (probably the beginning of the story) Bella is angry with Edward about something while she is stressed. She is in the middle of bringing her two kids to the airport because they were going to a camp? or something sports related.
Bella had a coffee and had put it on the hood of the car. In her anger and because/maybe she was late, she forgot it and sped away. Bella herself was only in old mishmashed clothes and maybe a bathrobe too and her hair wasn't fixed because she had not enough time for herself on that morning.
At the airport after she had dropped her kids, Edward showed up (with a limo maybe) and surprised her with a getaway trip. I think he didn't have much time for her before and this is his apology.
Does anyone remember this story?  ^-^

The Summer of Lethes Demise by GothicTemptress (In the index)

Summary: After 22 years of marriage, they've forgotten what's important. This summer will usher in a new beginning. It's time for them to remember...to finally see. A sensual One Shot that explores the rediscovery of a romance that's become stagnant within the monotony of their lives. Multiple Awards winner - Voted Best One Shot, Best Romance, Best Drama & Best Family/Friendship.
The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, Ellachanted, Tricklem, bigbink, limomx2, Frill, babywhite

Offline bigbink

Re: The Summer of Lethes Demise by GothicTemptress
« Reply #889 on: April 30, 2016, 09:20 AM »
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The Summer of Lethes Demise by GothicTemptress (In the index)

Summary: After 22 years of marriage, they've forgotten what's important. This summer will usher in a new beginning. It's time for them to remember...to finally see. A sensual One Shot that explores the rediscovery of a romance that's become stagnant within the monotony of their lives. Multiple Awards winner - Voted Best One Shot, Best Romance, Best Drama & Best Family/Friendship.

Oh my, I can't believe it. You found it. Thank you so much hun.  :-* :-* :-* This is awesome.
The following users thanked this post: wizards30, Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2

Offline Elfenbein01

UL The Blue Bridge by letitbeme.x
« Reply #890 on: April 30, 2016, 09:28 AM »
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Does anyone have The Blue bridge? I don't remember who the author is.

Are you looking for "The Blue bridge - letitbeme.x" (incomplete 28 chapters)?

It's been pulled on FF.net.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 10:26 PM by ficfangirl »

Offline wizards30

LINK The End, The Beginning by starpower31 (FFN)
« Reply #891 on: April 30, 2016, 09:33 AM »
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Looking for E/B. Bella lives with Rose and Emmett. I think it's in Chicago. Stopped by Jacob at airport? who asks her to help him catch Edward (can't remember if he's Masen or Cullen) because he's in mob. Jacob might be FBI? Looked through hundreds of summaries of my saved stories and can't find anything. Can anyone help with title or author please  :)

The End, The Beginning by starpower31
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Summary: "Are you guys lunatics? Edward is not some mob boss!" My life was supposed to be perfect. Everything was done - I was going to London. But then... Agent Jacob Black came into my life. And with him, came Edward. Now that they're here, I'm surrounded in a world of crime I can't get out of. Is it wrong that I don't WANT to get out? AH. Might be a little graphic for some. Mafiaward.
The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2, ycherry, Katoris, Sukiethree

Offline wizards30

Re: Story search
« Reply #892 on: April 30, 2016, 12:06 PM »

#1~ All adult- All human. I am told it is most likely a long one-shot

Edward has noting to do with his parents (Elizabeth and Edward Sr. ??) He left home at 18 never looking back..His father physically abused him and his mother. Edward had, had enough and turns on his father for beating his mother his dad kicked him out of the house. When his mother doesn't defend him, he feels so betrayed by her he leaves without a backward glance..Years later E/B meet and get married.. E/B's first Christmas being married a woman calls the house asking for Edward. The female caller questions who Bella is. When Bella tells her she's Edward' wife the woman hangs up. Christmas of the next year the same woman calls again asking for Edward. The woman tells Bella she's Edward's mother. His mom finally left E's father when she found out he was cheating. She comes to stay with E/B until she can get on her feet. Edward has a hard time dealing with his mother and his feelings of her betrayal.

More info on the above fic

Edward's Father kicked him out/he left because of the abuse and mother just let it happen even though she always regretted it. Then after he left the father started beating his mom. Edward met Bella, they married and moved to a city in California, parents lived in San Fran, maybe? She finally left the husband and moved in with E&B, went back to get her stuff after the divorce and father had a heart attack?

#2 ~ All adult -All human..Older short story. Between 2-4 chapters.

I believe it's mostly in Jasper's POV. Bella, Edward and Jasper are older collage students. Early 20's. Edward dies in a car accident. Bells goes into a major depression. Jasper keeps trying to see Bella to apologize. He might have been in the car with Edward..Jasper even tried writing her letters but B keeps avoiding him. Months before the accident Edward had a writing assignment in which he had to write his own will or eulogy. E wrote about his love for Bella and in the event of his death he wanted Jasper to take care of her.

NOT: A Life Without the Sun - 4everintwilight or Disjointed by Simone and Marie
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 04:05 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2, Steph46t, Maggie, newmoon21, yuriana

Offline Sukiethree

Re: LINK The End, The Beginning by starpower31 (FFN)
« Reply #893 on: April 30, 2016, 12:32 PM »
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The End, The Beginning by starpower31
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Summary: "Are you guys lunatics? Edward is not some mob boss!" My life was supposed to be perfect. Everything was done - I was going to London. But then... Agent Jacob Black came into my life. And with him, came Edward. Now that they're here, I'm surrounded in a world of crime I can't get out of. Is it wrong that I don't WANT to get out? AH. Might be a little graphic for some. Mafiaward.

That's the one.... thank you.  :-*
The following users thanked this post: wizards30, Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2

Offline Elfenbein01

Re: Story Search FOUND
« Reply #894 on: April 30, 2016, 11:07 PM »

I'm looking for an E/B story, which was on ff.net
Edward is coming from a rich family. I remember Esme (his mother) is an architect and both parents own a big contracting company.
However Edward is quite spoiled. After a night in jail the parents have enough of his attitude and they cut him off.
He lands a job in R/Em contracting company.
Bella is working as a waitress in a diner, where the crew is really often.
E and B meet there.
Edward is living in the same building as Bella and Bella has a child.

Please help :'(
Does anyone know this story?

FOUND - Til I Said it to You by GrayMatters

« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 10:28 AM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2, yuriana

Offline XXhannahpXX

Re: Story Search FOUND
« Reply #895 on: May 01, 2016, 03:34 AM »
Hi i am looking for a fanfiction where bella is human and edward is a vampire. Its a story about the women edward has been with over the centuries. Its also about bella and edward expanding their boundaries and they're travelling somewhere. They end up in dartmouth and their house is being renovated and also edward invents a blue mouth gear he can waer to 'kiss' bella. They also argue because tanya made sexual advances towards edwards ages ago and edwars didn't tell her.

FOUND - An Abridged Account by alchemilla mollis
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 10:28 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2

Offline wizards30

An Abridged Account by alchemilla mollis
« Reply #896 on: May 01, 2016, 10:16 AM »
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Hi i am looking for a fanfiction where bella is human and edward is a vampire. Its a story about the women edward has been with over the centuries. Its also about bella and edward expanding their boundaries and they're travelling somewhere. They end up in dartmouth and their house is being renovated and also edward invents a blue mouth gear he can waer to 'kiss' bella. They also argue because tanya made sexual advances towards edwards ages ago and edwars didn't tell her.

I believe this is

An Abridged Account by alchemilla mollis (uploaded in the index)

Summary: An Abridged Account of the Intimate History of Edward Cullen, as told to Bella Swan. Edward recounts a somewhat disastrous history of encounters with women through the 20th century, as Bella become more and more impatient to have an encounter of their own.
The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, Ellachanted, Tricklem, XXhannahpXX, limomx2, yuriana

Offline wizards30

Link Til I Said it to You by GrayMatters (FFN)
« Reply #897 on: May 01, 2016, 10:35 AM »
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I'm looking for an E/B story, which was on ff.net
Edward is coming from a rich family. I remember Esme (his mother) is an architect and both parents own a big contracting company.
However Edward is quite spoiled. After a night in jail the parents have enough of his attitude and they cut him off.
He lands a job in R/Em contracting company.
Bella is working as a waitress in a diner, where the crew is really often.
E and B meet there.
Edward is living in the same building as Bella and Bella has a child.

Please help :'(
Does anyone know this story?

Til I Said it to You by GrayMatters
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Summary: ON HIATUS! 3-11-12 She's a serial rescuer with a history of adopting strays. He's selfish and arrogant, cut loose by his family to find himself. Will Bella fall for his act, or will Edward find more than he bargained for? AH/OOC M for language & lemons.
The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, Ellachanted, ela, Tricklem, lahlah23, limomx2, yuriana, Elfenbein01

Offline Elfenbein01

Re: Link Til I Said it to You by GrayMatters (FFN)
« Reply #898 on: May 01, 2016, 11:08 AM »
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Til I Said it to You by GrayMatters
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Summary: ON HIATUS! 3-11-12 She's a serial rescuer with a history of adopting strays. He's selfish and arrogant, cut loose by his family to find himself. Will Bella fall for his act, or will Edward find more than he bargained for? AH/OOC M for language & lemons.

Thank you so much  :-*
That is the story I've been looking for.
The following users thanked this post: wizards30, Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2

Offline cml38

Re: Story Search
« Reply #899 on: May 01, 2016, 11:54 AM »
Hi, I'm looking for a story I hope you can help.
E and B are happily married until one day Edward is in an accident. He can walk anymore and has to go in an etablishment to learn again.
Things get complicated between B and E, EDward is too angry, he doesn't want Bella to see him hurt...

I think the story isn't finished.

Thank you !!

« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 05:16 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Tricklem, limomx2, Elfenbein01

Offline wizards30

Link For Better or For Worse by Chloe Masen (TWCS)
« Reply #900 on: May 01, 2016, 12:24 PM »
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Hi, I'm looking for a story I hope you can help.
E and B are happily married until one day Edward is in an accident. He can walk anymore and has to go in an etablishment to learn again.
Things get complicated between B and E, EDward is too angry, he doesn't want Bella to see him hurt...

I think the story isn't finished.

Thank you !!

Maybe this one ~

or Better or For Worse by Chloe Masen
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Summary: Edward Cullen has a perfect life. A dream come true career as a superstar shortstop for the Seattle Mariners, true friends, a great house, and most of all, the perfect, loving wife. Can one moment destroy it all? Or will she stick by him for better or for worse?
The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, Ellachanted, ela, Tricklem, limomx2, ladyvos, yuriana, Elfenbein01, cml38