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Author Topic: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on STP/PTS Website  (Read 166781 times)

Offline Infinitely Bookish

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Please be aware that we have long since finished this.  We NO LONGER ALLOW SHARING OF EBOOKS on this site.  Please do not post a book, it will be removed.  Please do not post a link.  It will be removed.

Dear members

We are in progress of migrating have migrated the site to a new name and defining defined new guidelines. One of the most important is to discontinue hosting ebooks on our website so that we are DMCA compliant.

Over next few days STP's team of Moderators will be deleting all posts from all the Boards containing books and book requests.   These have been deleted.

Please do not make any further book uploads on the site.

Thank you for your understanding.

Note: We will review the new rules when the site is fully migrated, so if you have any suggestions please let us know by contacting one of our Mods.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:13 PM by philo »
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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #281 on: August 01, 2012, 01:20 PM »

well at least we get free ebooks daily on amazon! I don't see why they aren't shareable. The DRM stuff is so much crap. I buy books all the time but I snag every free one amazon makes available that looks like something I'd enjoy. I also download as many DRM free books as possible. If only the libraries would get with it-then we could check them out online instead of having to go to the library. It will happen eventually. I enjoyed the website, sorry to see it go.

Offline GG drypen!

Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #282 on: August 01, 2012, 06:37 PM »
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Thanks for the response. What is "Fan Fiction"? This is the section of the FAQ's I am referring to which does not seem to apply if we will need to go to a "mirror" site in order to down/upload. Am I missing something (I do it all the time!)

"How can I import books from Calibre

You can now add books from calibre.  Please follow these instructions to setup and add books.  If these steps are not done properly then the books will not import properly.  Please read all the instructions.

Configure Calibre
Go to preferences
Go to "Sharing books by email"
Click "Add email" on right
in the email address put "books@tuebl.com"
click in the formats column and make sure the only thing there is "EPUB"
Put your email address(the one you registered with the site with) in "Send email from"
Configure your mail server

Sending Books
Right click on selected books and go to the "Connect/Share" menu then go to the "Email to..." submenu and select "books@tuebl.com"

Hey seacity,

Fan fiction is fan based stories. Some common ones are Twilight, Vampire Academy, Mortal Instruments, Hunger Games among others. E.L. James of Fifty Shades series originally was a fan fic. Replace Edward and Bella with Ana and Christian. You must have been reading PTS's FAQ. You have your own FAQ with TUEBL. (I read it lol cause I miss stuff all the time too!)

I have a question about downloading from Calibre. Do I need to be a member of TUEBL to download? I email to family all the time from Calibre.


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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #283 on: August 01, 2012, 07:44 PM »
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nooooooooooo...... why does this keep happening!!! does anybody know any other site to download ebooks, it tried the epubbud site and its really kiddish stuff nothing good there...awww!!!


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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #284 on: August 03, 2012, 01:23 AM »
Is this nightmare? or is this INJUSTICE REALITY? u can talk about book but not all people own or read all books. How can i talk if i does not read it????
 book are a little bit expensive now  :'(

Offline chocokimi

Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #285 on: August 05, 2012, 03:04 AM »
Ugh if you buy a hardcover book you can share it with as many friends as you want, if you buy a cd you could give it to your friends and let them put it on thier iTunes library, but you can't share ebooks? If you're the one who purchased it, why can't you share it?
This site was so great because it introduced me to new authors and material that I never would have known about before, and right now I can't afford to spend 8-15 bucks every time I want a new book. When you spend hundreds on an eReader, you don't expect to have to spend another fifty on books. Times are tough right now, so ebook hosting was really beneficial. Is there another site where those of us who want to have ebooks can go to for sharing? Since the only reaon I joined STP was for the ebooks, now its useless to me. :(


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TUEBL clarification.
« Reply #286 on: August 11, 2012, 08:27 PM »
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I have a question about downloading from Calibre. Do I need to be a member of TUEBL to download? I email to family all the time from Calibre.

First Drypen, no you do not have to be a member.  Ok, you have me confused.  So for this conversation:  Download is when I or you click on a link and put it on my or your computer.  Upload is when I send a file to a site like tuebl from my computer to add to a database.   

Right now the site is a bit weird because of overload and a lot has been disabled.  So info may not be currant.   Easiest upload is by using the upload link off the tuebl site.  Easiest download is using the link off the site and saving to file then importing to whatever reader or program you want.

Next seacity1, don't confuse Tuebl with a "Mirror" site.  It is not related to this site except for the fact they were kind enough to take the forum and the requests for Tuebl when the servers overloaded.  I'm sure at some point when the servers are working properly and can handle the load, Tuebl will vanish from this site and the forums and requests will return to Tuebl.com 

If you wish to upload to tuebl you need to follow the directions on that site.    You cannot upload books to here.  That simple.  This is not Tuebl and they don't allow uploads.    Anything pertaining to Tubel is under the heading Tuebl on the main forum boards.  Nothing else on this board applies to Tubel.    If you are having problems with that site you need to make those requests under that topic which says Tubel support.  They can't help you anywhere else on this board.

Again, Tuebl is NOT working properly due to load and many services have been put on hold to save the database of books.  You have to manually upload or download on that site if you wish to add or enjoy a book.

Does this help?


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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #287 on: August 11, 2012, 08:48 PM »
Psst.. It's Tuebl.com   ;)   I do the same darn thing all the time.  My fingers are faster than my brain it seems.

Fast track:
Click on New Additions and scroll thru the latest to the oldest.   If you see a book you like, click on the name.  The download link is at the bottom.

Search is NOT working properly as of this date.   When it does, simply type in the last name and a list should pop up that shows all authors with that last name.  Pick yours out of that and poof.

Be warned that series is NOT always listed together because one person can say "Brady mystery" and another calls it the "Joanna Brady" so search by series may not yield all books.

Offline GG drypen!

Re: TUEBL clarification.
« Reply #288 on: August 11, 2012, 09:52 PM »
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First Drypen, no you do not have to be a member.  Ok, you have me confused.  So for this conversation:  Download is when I or you click on a link and put it on my or your computer.  Upload is when I send a file to a site like tuebl from my computer to add to a database.   

Right now the site is a bit weird because of overload and a lot has been disabled.  So info may not be currant.   Easiest upload is by using the upload link off the tuebl site.  Easiest download is using the link off the site and saving to file then importing to whatever reader or program you want.

Next seacity1, don't confuse Tuebl with a "Mirror" site.  It is not related to this site except for the fact they were kind enough to take the forum and the requests for Tuebl when the servers overloaded.  I'm sure at some point when the servers are working properly and can handle the load, Tuebl will vanish from this site and the forums and requests will return to Tuebl.com 

If you wish to upload to tuebl you need to follow the directions on that site.    You cannot upload books to here.  That simple.  This is not Tuebl and they don't allow uploads.    Anything pertaining to Tubel is under the heading Tuebl on the main forum boards.  Nothing else on this board applies to Tubel.    If you are having problems with that site you need to make those requests under that topic which says Tubel support.  They can't help you anywhere else on this board.

Again, Tuebl is NOT working properly due to load and many services have been put on hold to save the database of books.  You have to manually upload or download on that site if you wish to add or enjoy a book.

Does this help?

For me, yes that helps.
And sorry I should have started a new line as I was referring to 2 different things.  ;D


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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #289 on: August 13, 2012, 09:11 AM »
I was so worried the other day when Tuebl started acting that way! I got all panicky thinking the site was shutting down or something. I was sooo happy once it came back up. lol If you read my last post (3 posts above?) I listed another great site to get books.


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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #290 on: August 16, 2012, 04:31 PM »
I was introduced to the site only a few months back...In light of the SOPA and DMCA act.....I was outraged that the US attempted to intrude on my freedom. In a third world country,the freedom of expression,speech,religion etc. is strictly limited. Shared Term Papers seemed like the only candle where I was able to get the books of my favorite authors that would never ever be sold in my country. In fact I am jealous of those living in first world countries who are able to download a book via Paypal and online shopping. With the exception of Isohunt, all torrent sites are blocked.
I guess that means no more James Patterson, Rick Riordan, Cassandra Clarke, Baldacci,, Paolini etc and the list of authors that I looked up to for inspiration in the dull place.

Thanks for the amazing work, but there seems like nothing can be done about this.


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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #291 on: August 20, 2012, 03:28 PM »
the next thing there going to do is stop giving their books to librarys smh this was like where most of your site users came from it was fun while it lasted though

Isabel Cullen

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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #292 on: August 24, 2012, 08:38 PM »
  I'm a newbie and I just couldn't believe my eyes when I found so many of my favorite fanfics!!!! Will it possible to continue sharing them??? BTW, I'm looking for "SEX ON FIRE" Simone and Marie, can you help me out?



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Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #293 on: August 25, 2012, 04:59 AM »
Fanfiction is NOT considered original work.  In fact fan fiction has been nailed right and left with violation claims by the companies and individuals who own the copyrights.

There is not reason to stop sharing them well except they may decide to try the same thing on them they tried on pirate sites.  But as of now, you are fine as long as it is fan fiction and not the original work.

If you have a request for a certain fan fiction you need to post that section of the site to have the best chance of finding it.  Here, someone who has it may never see it.   ;)

« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:15 PM by philo »

Offline Dee J.

Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #294 on: September 05, 2012, 02:07 AM »
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I will handle the comments myself. Thanks everyone for understanding and I just want to say that:-

1. We are providing a service free of charge.
2. We work very hard to keep things up and running.
3. We had to make this decision as authors don't understand the digital world yet and they just want to impose the old rules blindly. We have tried to explain in every possible way but they still don't understand.
4. We wanted to give everyone some notice but decided to move quicker due to many reasons.
5. We will still be a close community - discussing, reviewing, looking for new releases etc.

Please feel free to PM me for any suggestions, ideas or even complaints :).

PTS Admin

I’m fairly new to this site, and I understand all the commotion this site had regarding the eBook section. But think of this, PTS is still up and running. Asta and Demonoid didn’t comply and we all saw what happened. DP Group is/was  under DDOS attack and still hasn’t recovered from it. 
And is it all about downloading books?  I think a site like this should be about so much more, about making friends, having fun and share your thoughts on books and other things.
So thank you to all the mods who are working their asses of to keep this site up and running so, we have a place to meet up with people who think alike!

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Offline Lexie

Re: NOTICE: Discontinuation of eBooks hosting on PTS Website
« Reply #295 on: September 05, 2012, 05:24 AM »
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I’m fairly new to this site, and I understand all the commotion this site had regarding the eBook section. But think of this, PTS is still up and running. Asta and Demonoid didn’t comply and we all saw what happened. DP Group is/was  under DDOS attack and still hasn’t recovered from it. 
And is it all about downloading books? I think a site like this should be about so much more, about making friends, having fun and share your thoughts on books and other things.
So thank you to all the mods who are working their asses of to keep this site up and running so, we have a place to meet up with people who think alike!

:iagree: with you! :)
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