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Author Topic: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here  (Read 193371 times)


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Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« on: May 13, 2013, 10:43 AM »
I know we have Introduce yourself all over the place but a lot never go outside this forum.  They will miss your introduction.   So this topic has been created just for you here.  Old member or new member, feel free to introduce yourself.  Tell a bit about yourself.  If you need ideas: how you found fan fiction, what fan fictions you like, who your favorite authors are, if you write any fan fictions yourself.  And don't worry about just saying "Hi, I'm here."  That's just fine too.
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Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2013, 03:56 PM »
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I don't really watch TV. I discovered The Glades and Hawaii 5-0 only last week. I liked both.
I watch Bones (didn't like the last season) and NCIS.

i am a tv addict.... well tv series-addict since i watch them on my laptop....(You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login) on that site.

i love bones ( but the season finale shattered my poor heart  :'( )
love NCIS, Castle, Once upon a time, grimm, revenge, fringe, smallville, chuck....

when i find a new tv show i'll go and check out the fanfics for them...


Offline griddy

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2013, 02:20 PM »
Yep, I'm older... which is exactly why I read Twilight Fanfiction!
I have read a lot (a mountain?) of published romances, from medieval Kilts to Manhattan socialites. They satisfied me more when I was younger, but now they just don't do it for me any more: so typical ...so ho-hum.
But I still want romance... and I want a love story that includes sex. ^-^
Twilight Fanfiction is invariably 'sexy'. It was as if Meyer's 'fade to black' in Breaking Dawn threw a gauntlet down. FanFiction satisfies my taste for romance, but with a twist. Because it's written by women FOR women, it is the epitome of Third Wave Feminism, embracing our modern sexuality. I love how women unapologetically make Edward a cruel Dom or a crying submissive, an addict or cheater, gay or a bad boy Hell's Angel, dark vamp to shy geek (or even Edward as all of the above... lol).

The best Twific writers gleefully dismantle the formulaic hero rule book. Many of my fav writers specifically write against 'type', from Imprint and Wolfpack stories, to Jasper eloping with Bella, to slashy Carlward: if there is a Twilight or romance rule, there is someone breaking it with aplomb. I especially love that I read it with a meta understanding; the story never just stands alone, and this engages me more.

I also love the variety of fresh storytelling styles. From the young love of Rochelle Allison, to the realities of love and sex in historic times by councilor, to the dark and desperate of Savage7289, I love how so many great writers push against the grain of accepted romance formulas.

The one thing that keeps me coming back: the sheer number of 'alternative' stories and voices... from all over the world! I am always amazed at the variety: from  "A Garment of Brightness" by miaokuancha (a 'T' rated story that is an incredibly well-written re-telling of Twilight), to the boldest tragedies by mamasutra, to the unlikely love story in Icy's raunchy BDSM. I have read many excellent stories that I would never find in bookstores; no WAY would a publisher have accepted EL James's error-filled fanfiction as a cold-call manuscript. (and now they've awarded her 'writer of the year'... go figure.)

For me, it's women's 'subversive' approach to writing that makes fanfiction so cool to read.
The best writers use their uncensored voices to say something original, something different, and do not pander, like some mediochre writers that use the fandom merely as a launch pad to make a buck. Most 'pull' to 'sell' a book will never make my fav list... not even close.  :P

I actually love to fic dive and find new writers with new stories. It's exciting to watch readers reactions as they are being written. I loved getting that weekly Saturday update of "Dead On My Feet" or "Just Wait". The waiting was half the excitement, and it made the ending that much more cathartic. I love finding unlikely stories, crazy premises, the unlovable finding each other: the darker and the grittier the better. I will gratefully wait for the sparse updates of the keen angst of "Expectations and Other Moving Pieces" by chrometurtle. Just when I think that's it... another chapter trickles in... and I am in heaven.
Sure, there is a lot of slushy and silly stuff, but I can usually tell by the first two chapters if the writing is any good, so I don't mind breezing through to find all those hidden gems. One thing I do know: perfect grammar is no replacement for raw talent. I will happily ignore spelling anomalies, if the storytelling is insightful and the premise is smart.

Hunting is half the fun, especially when you get in on the ground floor of a barn burner. You never know if going to get finished, but it's like cliff diving: the unknown destination with a daring writers is half the thrill. when you do read the last chapter, you are always so glad you jumped!
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Offline LottaReading

Now I Know Why They Call It Crackfic
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2013, 10:47 AM »
It all started a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (I think it's called the Memory Hole. I'm still trying to find that again. I swear that's where all my memories went but I can't remember to know for sure. I tried using the Muppet Means Of Travel aka Map Travel but you have to know where a place is on a map for that to work. *sighs and tosses the map to the other side of the room*).

Thus began my journey.

My first stop was in a chat room that had nothing to do with fantasy. (Ok, maybe it did. It was a political chat room.) The subject of Twilight came up. Never having heard of this Twilight thing, I refrained from entering the conversation. However, I was intrigued.

My next stop was to seek out information from The Computer Who Knows The Answer To Everything At The End Of The Universe (aka "Search Engine" which brought me to Wiki aka "The Fountain Of It Has To Be Right Because It's On The Internet!").

I took a long, deep drink from The Fountain and was thus armed to be able to give an opinion regarding "The Twilight Topic". Sure enough, it came up again. I shall refrain from giving the details of my opinion here as I have a belief it would likely start a flame war with this my first posting on any Twilight related site ever. ("She sure knows how to make an entrance!") The responses to the referred opinion I got were many, but one in particular went like this: "Have you even read the books yet?" "No", I responded to the responsee, "but I don't have to in order to think what I do about Twilight."

Time passed.

One day I decided it was time to make the long and arduous journey filled with hazards too scary to describe here for sensitive readers to the "Depository Of We Got It All Here If You Know The Dewey Decimal System". (Ok, it's maybe a half mile from my house but the traffic can be killer ...when we have three or more cars on the road.....especially if I am at the wheel of one of those cars.) While perusing the section of "Seen it, got it, and you gotta be kidding me!", I stumbled upon the first Twilight movie. I resisted temptation....for about 30 seconds. "What the heck?", I said to myself. "I should see what all the darn fuss is about." ("Most people want to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch." -Robert Orben)

I watched the movie.

I read the books.

I listened to the audiobooks.

I couldn't stop.

After repeating this process a few times I once again journeyed to The Computer Who Knows The Answer To Everything At The End Of The Universe with a question about Twilight. Because I am a highly focused person when seeking out information, ("Oh shiney! Must click on link!"), I forgot about the information I was seeking because "OH GOODY! The author put some extras on her site!"  I also saw something about how she wasn't going to finish a certain piece of work because it had been leaked. I was incensed! I needed to know who this nefarious person was who stopped the Twilight Universe from expanding!

Somehow or other, I ended up on the Fanfiction site. "Pffffft", I said to myself. "I don't want to read what anyone else wrote about Twilight." (The First Commandment Of Being The Ultimate Bibliophile is "Thou shalt never, ever, ever change, alter, fold, spindle or mutilate THE AUTHOR'S original works.")

But something caught my eye. (I'm still trying to get that back. It's SO much easier to see with two eyes.) Eye and Hand conspired against Brain and....
clicked a link. It was a continuation of the Twilight story. "Ok", I said to myself, "I don't see anything wrong with this. This person isn't rewriting the original books. Just adding to them." I enjoyed it. I got more Twilight to ease my jonesin'.

Soon, I wanted more. I carefully avoided anything that came close to rewriting the original author's works.

I ran out of links to click. I started jonesin' again. I convinced myself that stories about another POV but remained true to the original Twilight wasn't really cheating on the author. It was a way of paying tribute to the author. I started clicking links again.

I ran out of links to click.

I started jonesin' again. I couldn't help it. I started clicking on some "heathen" links. I could no longer justify what I was doing. I'd ended up on an AU story that had me thoroughly entrenched in a whole new aspect of the Twilight Universe.

I am now clicking more AU links, parody links......I can't stop. I can't get enough.

So now I understand why it's called "Crackfic".

A/N I've been a long time lurker on the FF site and I'd like to give a BIG BIG REALLY HOOOOOOOOOOOOOGE thanks to ALL the folks who put up their works on that site and gave me hours....days....weeks....years....more of Twilight. Bless you all. I'd also like to thank everyone who reviewed, recommended, etc that helped lead me to even more Twilight goodies. Bless you all as well. Thank you also to all of you folks here who thought enough of the efforts on FF to see that as much as possible didn't go out of sight and mind. Bless you too. :)
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Gus, chippy73, sweetmeadow, cynthia24cat

Offline cynthia24cat

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2013, 09:47 AM »
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I feel old..  :D

I AM old...but twific addicted, just can't stop reading them.  Didn't know of their existence until the 50 shades phenomenon but once I found them, let's just say, I haven't gotten much sleep!!
Just found this site recently and am enjoying this as well.
Thanks!!  ;D
The following users thanked this post: Ellachanted, Gus

Offline ficfangirl

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2013, 05:27 PM »
Come join the conversation about Twilighty and other things here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

We have a good time!
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Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2013, 07:21 AM »
My name is Lynette and I am a Fan Fic addict.  There now I have said it, whew.  I think that I am completely spoiled.  I can not remember the last time I actually read a published novel and that is sad.  I have webreader installed on my iPhone can even listen to Fan Fic while I am driving.  Funny story is my 30 year old step-son picked up my phone to use it and browsed the screen on an M rated story.  I died laughing because he was blushing so hard.  LOL
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Offline cynthia24cat

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2013, 07:31 AM »
[I have webreader installed on my iPhone can even listen to Fan Fic while I am driving.

*Can you tell me more about this?  I never heard of it and would LOVE it!!
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  • Hi! I'm Ellachanted and I'm a fanfic-oholic.
Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2013, 08:16 PM »
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I feel old..  :D
LOL! I would have loved Big Valley fanfics.  Mostly I stick with twifics because I'm not really into slash and the best stories in non-twifics are mostly slash.  I've actually tried a few others but couldn't get into them. Except a few short Stephanie Plum ones that were entertaining.  Sigh. :)
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Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2013, 11:55 AM »
Hello! I'm new here. Was referred by a friend from another site. I know there are lists of PDF fics, but I have the audio version of Boycotts & Barflies when iFic did it. If anyone is interested, where should I link/upload? You'll have to be gentle with me. I'm trying to get my bearings.  :)
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Offline ficfangirl

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2013, 12:12 PM »
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Hello! I'm new here. Was referred by a friend from another site. I know there are lists of PDF fics, but I have the audio version of Boycotts & Barflies when iFic did it. If anyone is interested, where should I link/upload? You'll have to be gentle with me. I'm trying to get my bearings.  :)

Hello and welcome! 

We don't have a spot for uploads of audios, but if you want to link us to a spot where the Twific addicts who frequent PTS can access it, you can tell us where to go on this thread: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Thanks and enjoy!
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Offline suz3nascar

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Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #31 on: October 12, 2013, 09:20 AM »
strictly Twilight fanfic since about 2010....I was late to the whole Twi fandom and didn't see the first movie until it was first on FX, then I rented New Moon and Eclipse the next week.  Saw the last two movies in the theatre.

I love to read, period.  I used to read all sorts of books, non fic and fiction, but with limited time due to career and child have only managed to read twiight fanfiction in my sparetime.  I've read quite a few, but am always looking for great new stories to read.  Too many favorites to list here.  Obviously my username suggest I'm also a fan of auto racing, love photography, gardening.


Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #32 on: October 12, 2013, 09:23 AM »
Hi Everyone,
                   I'm Diane (IGOTEAMEDWARD).  I am looking forward to exploring this site and making some new friends.  I read a lot of Fan Fiction. Twilight and Harry Potter. I try to review every thing I read.
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Offline ficfangirl

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #33 on: October 12, 2013, 02:24 PM »
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strictly Twilight fanfic since about 2010....I was late to the whole Twi fandom and didn't see the first movie until it was first on FX, then I rented New Moon and Eclipse the next week.  Saw the last two movies in the theatre.

I love to read, period.  I used to read all sorts of books, non fic and fiction, but with limited time due to career and child have only managed to read twiight fanfiction in my sparetime.  I've read quite a few, but am always looking for great new stories to read.  Too many favorites to list here.  Obviously my username suggest I'm also a fan of auto racing, love photography, gardening.

Welcome to PTS and to fanfict alley.  Come see us on the Twilight threads.

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We look forward to getting to know you.
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Offline ficfangirl

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #34 on: October 12, 2013, 02:26 PM »
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Hi Everyone,
                   I'm Diane (IGOTEAMEDWARD).  I am looking forward to exploring this site and making some new friends.  I read a lot of Fan Fiction. Twilight and Harry Potter. I try to review every thing I read.

Welcome to PTS and to Fanfict Alley.  See the post above for the active Twilight threads.  We also have a small Harry Potter thread here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

I failed to mention in the post above that we also have some non-canon Twilight threads if you're into non-canon.  We have a general anyone but Edward story search thread and a discussion thread.  We also have a Wolf Pack thread.
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Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2013, 05:45 PM »
Hey guys! I'm Hannah and... I'm simply obsessed with Twifics.

I started reading it about 5 years ago when my then-best friend showed MOTU to me over coffee, both of us furtively looking around as we read about DomWard (now a much more popular Shades of Grey). I adore reading fanfiction and have spent many an afternoon straining my eyes against the computer screen, pouring over amazing stories I've come across.

However, I had no idea up until about 10 minutes ago that there were forums where you could discuss topics, meet people who also really enjoy the stories posted, and make friends.

Anyone want to lend a hand in helping telling me how this website works, and anything I should know? Nice to meet everyone!  :13:

Offline ficfangirl

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2013, 06:56 PM »
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Hey guys! I'm Hannah and... I'm simply obsessed with Twifics.

I started reading it about 5 years ago when my then-best friend showed MOTU to me over coffee, both of us furtively looking around as we read about DomWard (now a much more popular Shades of Grey). I adore reading fanfiction and have spent many an afternoon straining my eyes against the computer screen, pouring over amazing stories I've come across.

However, I had no idea up until about 10 minutes ago that there were forums where you could discuss topics, meet people who also really enjoy the stories posted, and make friends.

Anyone want to lend a hand in helping telling me how this website works, and anything I should know? Nice to meet everyone!  :13:

Welcome to PTS and to fanfict alley.  Come see us on the Twilight threads.  Be sure to read the first post on any of the threads you visit.  You'll find lots of useful information and some rules of the road in those.  The first post of any thread is repeated on each page of the thread.

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We look forward to getting to know you.
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Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #37 on: December 08, 2013, 11:50 AM »
Still learning how to get around. Along the way there have been many lovely sizzellin stories along the way!
BTW: Hello to all!

Offline stella31

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #38 on: December 28, 2013, 12:34 AM »
Hello !

I'm Stella and I think like everybody here I'm obssede with Twilight Fanfic since a long time now  :)

I start to read ff in french than a friend of mine recommande me to read MOTU...Since that, I read a lot fic s in english and I've a lot of favorite stories ;D It's not my fault it's because there are SO many talented authors !

To tell a little more on me : I like to read for sure, write and photography


Offline chiisuture

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Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2014, 11:46 AM »
I just joined this site today.

I love fanfic´s especially if there twilight related or sweep after the book series.
I´ve been reading twilight fanfic back in the day when the books first came out, i can still remember when ff.net only had 50 pages in total of the twilight fanfics.

Anyhow i love to read, love music and i used to write but to be honestly i´m not good at it so i stopped writing.
i can´t wait to investigate this forum some more, so of i go :laugh:

Offline ficfangirl

Re: Fan Fiction Addicts: Introduce yourself here
« Reply #40 on: January 16, 2014, 12:14 PM »
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I just joined this site today.

I love fanfic´s especially if there twilight related or sweep after the book series.
I´ve been reading twilight fanfic back in the day when the books first came out, i can still remember when ff.net only had 50 pages in total of the twilight fanfics.

Anyhow i love to read, love music and i used to write but to be honestly i´m not good at it so i stopped writing.
i can´t wait to investigate this forum some more, so of i go :laugh:

Welcome to PTS! We look forward to getting to know you.
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