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Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« on: February 17, 2012, 06:40 AM »
Harry Potter fanfiction

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« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 02:35 PM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Michow

Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 12:58 PM »
I would really like recomendations for Harry Potter Romance fanfic like this book: Water by kissherdraco - please.

I cant seem to put it from my mind. Its intense, angsty. Its been compared to Beautiful Disaster in that the hero is obsessively possessive about the heroine. And in my mind, it compares very very favourably indeed. Draco is insanely jealous of anyone, male or female who come close to Hermione. Hes almost worse than Travis. Well..maybe he IS worse than Travis. Its a bit more violent than Im used to but im hooked. Draco and Hermione are Head Boy and Girl and hate/love each other. They have to share living quarters at school and o.m.w the THINGS they get up to..the situations they find themselves in. I cried and laughed and bit my nails to the quick and loved every second of it. They are only 17 but youd never say from the dialogue and their internalising and of course the sex scenes are...um....yeah...

These are tags a fanfic site has given this story: Angst, Dark, Head Boy/Head Girl, Year 7, Explicit Sexual Situations, Graphic Violence, Strong Profanity

I havent seen any other references to it here so if anyone wants to try it I can post if its not here already.

Has anyone read it and maybe come across others like it? I like the Harry Potter idea as a change from Twilight for a while. The author says she has spent years writing it and I am sure thats true because its beautifully written. Oh and I havent read H Potter or watched the movies so this is all new to me but I could still connect with the characters in a very real way.

I would appreciate your reccs - thanks
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Offline Aerinn

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 01:21 PM »
You know, I remember this, vaguely. Is the fic done? And if so, do you perhaps know the link to the complete version? I think it wasn't finished when I read it. :S
I have to re-read it to know for sure it's the same story I'm thinking of. I've read hundreds of Dramione fics, can't keep my head straight anymore.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:08 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Michow

UL Water by Kissherdraco (completed fanfic)
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 02:06 PM »
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You know, I remember this, vaguely. Is the fic done? And if so, do you perhaps know the link to the complete version? I think it wasn't finished when I read it. :S
I have to re-read it to know for sure it's the same story I'm thinking of. I've read hundreds of Dramione fics, can't keep my head straight anymore.

I dont have a link , only the book - here it is in pdf. - completed

omw is THAT what Dramione means - Draco and Hermione? lmao!!! I only put two and two together now while reading your reply lol! the author, kissherdraco refers to it all the time and I was wondering what it meant ???

Can you recommend other Dramione fics and where I can find them plse?

Like I said, I didnt find this book here but if its been posted pls remove this one - thanks
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 08:47 PM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Aerinn

UL When love and hate collide by Rzzmg
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 02:31 PM »
Thing is, if it's the Water I've read, there's a few versions of the fic. One was beta-ed, and was freaking AWESOME! The other wasn't and, well, it wasn't bad, but you won't believe what a bit of editing can do for a story.
As for Dramione, hehe, yeah well, of course you don't know, you're new to it all, I'm a sucker for Draco/Hermione ships, myself, though, there are many other pairings.
I can point you to a few sites. You'll drown in fics. :P
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login here you gotta search for HP stuff, but there's a ton of other fics as well. A few of my fav authors on FF
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And a ton of others. You'll notice most of these authors post under the same pen on all of the mentioned sites. It's just that you won't find all the stories of theirs on a single site.

Fics, Idk what to recommend, uh. There's just so many of them. :S I'd suggest you read er, everything by the above authors... That shouldn't be too much. :S Or, er, hm, perhaps mention each by an author. Preferably finished fics. Let me see.
Rzzmg, hmm, I think her work that got most awards is being revised, so it's not complete on site. But I'll UL it for you. It was saved in notepad, but you can convert it. :S
Akashathekitty, ahhh, I LOVE her stuff. Definitely Bracelet by her first. Then everything else. ;P
Rizzle, The dragon's bride. Yep, then whatever catches your eye. :)

Some fics are longer and better written than many published books, lol. Oh, btw, depending on the author, you'll see some fics finished on one site, and not on another, so check other sites, if the fic you're after is incomplete on say FF.

Btw, the fic I'll UL includes author's comments after each posting, sorry about that. I didn't exactly edit it. :S

Happy Reading! And thanks for the Water. I really hope it's the beta-ed version. Though, even if it's not, it still rocks!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2018, 11:55 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Aerinn

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2012, 02:43 PM »
Btw, forgot to tell you. You mentioned you haven't read HP books, or seen the movies.
It might help to know that in the actual books Draco and Hermione never got together, and there's never been anything between them. He's a pureblood wizard, she comes from completely non-magical parents (Muggles).
She's a brilliant, uber smart girl, and he's a snob. From the start, they pretty much hate each other.
The fanfics usually take that as a base, unless they're OOC.
If you've got any questions about anything, or you're uncertain about this fic, or that, well, feel free to ask, and I shall try to answer.

Have fun! :P
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:04 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Michow

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2012, 03:04 PM »
Aerinn - you are too sweet for words - thk you.  ;D

What in heavens name are these 3 terms: OOC, a banner - is this the pic on top maybe?, beta-ed - does this mean its been checked or edited? Its probably easy-in-your-face terms and I just cant think straight right now lol - so much to learn.

Yes, Ive found that I get a bit irritated with books that arent edited well - it makes a difference to me, yet Ive noticed some published books with horrendous errors - oh well, what can we do, read it nontheless

Im only looking at completed fanfics - I have to finish a book, no waiting for me.

TY for the upload - is it complete? Ive been looking at hawthrone & Vine and omw so many to choose from there tooooo - I see bracelet is also reccd on there

who does hermione actually end up with in the real harry potter series? it is finished now isnt it?

I cant wait to check out all your links - Im gonna make a list of authors and books i think- you are a star!

« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:05 AM by ficfangirl »

Offline Aerinn

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2012, 03:10 PM »
Hermione ends up with Ron. UGH! And yes, HP series is finished. I personally, simply love her with Draco. :)

OOC means out of character. So basically, not following say Hermione's personal traits from the actual HP books, would be an OOC fic. IC is in character, the opposite. Most of the fics are IC.
Banner is the pic on the main page of the fic, usually. Not all fics have these. :P They're mostly fan made. :D
Betas are editors of sorts. :D Gotta love them.

Btw, most of the books by the authors I've mentioned are really well edited/beta-ed, so you won't have to worry much about that.
Bracelet, yes, we Dramione fans LOVE Bracelet. :D
And eh, happy to help. I hope you enjoy the fics, many, many of them are not finished, but there's plenty that are, and that are awesome. :)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:05 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Michow

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2012, 01:33 AM »
so who does Harry end up with? thanks again for all your help. ;D
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:05 AM by ficfangirl »

Offline Aerinn

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2012, 03:06 AM »
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so who does Harry end up with? thanks again for all your help. ;D
Ginny. :)
And stop thanking me, lol. There's really no need.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:06 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Michow

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 10:38 PM »
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O.o Sorry, this is the first time I hear of it.
In what context did you encounter this term?

Oh ok, while looking for harry potter fanfic I came across the Facebook Community:Twilight FanFiction Recommendations. And thay have these lists of reccs, right? There are lists for:

"Complete Fanfic",

"Pulled Fanfic ",

"Pen names"


I understand the "completed" list as being reads that are finished and we can read all the chapters.
I know also that WIP means - work in prgress
but "pulled" - no idea

So while I find this in the Twiight fanfic, Id like to know so that wen i do find more H Potter fanfic - at least I will know

« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:07 AM by ficfangirl »

Offline olivedaisychain

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2012, 07:54 PM »
The version of Water posted has 21 chapters and according to the author's notes on this site:http://quietones.org/archive/viewstory.php?sid=1456&index=1 there were supposed to be 22.  Does anyone have the completed version by any chance?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:11 AM by ficfangirl »
Fun is good. -Dr. Seuss

Offline olivedaisychain

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2012, 08:11 PM »
Pulled fics are stories that for whatever reason have been removed by the authors from fanfic sites and are no longer easily available.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:11 AM by ficfangirl »
Fun is good. -Dr. Seuss

Offline Michow

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2012, 02:12 PM »
olivedaisychain - thanks for pulled explanation. Makes sense.

I see this on kissherdraco's old blog or something - its dated 15 March 2010 @ 04:20 pm
epilogues: yay or nay? 
" IN FACT, EPILOGUES IN GENERAL. I'm writing the final chapter of Water, and an epilogue is something that I'm considering. I think a bigger part of me doesn't want to do one -- because mentally I have a hard time skipping forward like that and painting out the future. I'm more of a prefer-the-unknown kinda girl than wanting to risk disappointment. But then, perhaps an epilogue provides better closure? I dunno..."

But Im still looking...............and hoping...............
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:12 AM by ficfangirl »

Offline Aerinn

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2012, 02:17 PM »
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Pulled fics are stories that for whatever reason have been removed by the authors from fanfic sites and are no longer easily available.
Yep, this pretty much makes sense. I wasn't planning on saying anything though, since I wasn't completely sure.
Thanks for telling us, Olivedaisychain. :)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:12 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline olivedaisychain

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2012, 01:30 PM »
Michow: thanks so much for starting this thread and uploading Water; I absolutely LOVED LOVED it!!  I never thought any of the HP characters could work as romantic leads, but I'm totally buying into Dramione fics.  I'm in the middle of the Dragon's Bride now and really enjoying it (thanks for the rec Aerinn). 

I found this wiki site with more info about Dramione fics and lots of recommendations:
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« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:13 AM by ficfangirl »
Fun is good. -Dr. Seuss

Offline Aerinn

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 01:33 PM »
Glad you like it, olivedaisychain.
The ones I've mentioned were just a few that popped into my head at the moment. There's a ton of awesome stuff out there. :)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:13 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline Michow

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2012, 02:26 PM »
olivedaisychain - Im so glad you enjoyed Water - its my new bestie - lol! Goodness, Draco is....Ive no words actually...and Hermoine gave as good as she got - that I was glad about.  How are you finding Dragon's Bride compared to Water? Is it as intense? Thanks for the site, I cant wait to check it out. Oh wait - Im new to fanfic so didnt think I would be able to get past the whole harry potter thing, so you know what i did? Lmao - I changed all names in the pdf of Water, from Harry to Paul, Draco to Jared, Hermoine to Juliet etc....dont laugh......................
but i didnt have to bother though, cos once I got into it the names didnt bother me one bit

« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:13 AM by ficfangirl »
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Offline olivedaisychain

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2012, 09:33 AM »
Michow, The Dragon's Bride is very different from Water; it's not as intense nor as character driven, and it has a lot more elements from the original series.

I've read hundreds of Twilight fanfics and would be happy to recommend some very intense stories; let me know if you're interested.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:14 AM by ficfangirl »
Fun is good. -Dr. Seuss

Offline Aerinn

Re: Harry Potter Fanfiction
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2012, 07:23 AM »
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olivedaisychain - oh that will be great! Im hooked, just hooked on fanfic. Ive discovered something: that online authors or fanfic author, whatever theyre called - they tend to write more......openly?...whats the word Im looking for.......? they dont tend to hold back as much as published authors - like for eg. in Water - so many un-pc stuff going on with the hero that I havent found in usual romances....then there's "Wide Awake" too - although thats bella and edward - but I mean theyre just so much free-er with their thoughts and actions and the level of angst...im not very articulate about this but i hope you get what I mean? Its just that I feel published authors seem to stick to certain boundaries and fanfic authors dont - im my humble opinion of course....

yes plse reccomend some angsty twilight - what did you think of these:
The Fallout - about Draco too - is it as angsty as Water?
"the office" - twilight
"There Will Be Blood" by johnnyboy7
Fallout was awesome, but I can't remember if it's as angsty as Water. Read it ages ago. :S

As for the published authors, I think it's got something to do with the whole publishing/preparing the book process. I mean, their editors will make them rewrite stuff over and over again. While you don't see that with fanfic authors. They don't have anyone telling them you gotta do "this and that" differently. Betas suggest, and help out, but the author's word is the law.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:14 AM by ficfangirl »
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