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Author Topic: The Do-Not-Fly Book List  (Read 72709 times)

Offline Poprad

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The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:07 PM »
OK, there are so many threads which are all about people's FAV things, but I want to dish some dirt and have a little rant fest.

So I thought, why not start a Do-Not-Fly list for books? Books that we, as readers, cannot tolerate to any degree at all. Ones we couldn't finish, couldn't help but finish because they were just that bad and ones which we feel the need to completely warn others off from.

What have you read that you feel needs to make this list?

You can rank them using this rating scheme if you want:
-1 star               :(                   I just didn't like it.
-2 stars             :o                   How did this go so wrong?
-3 stars             :'(                  (choked sob) It was horrible...
-4 stars             :-X                 Words cannot explain how bad this book was.
-5 stars             >:(                 I want to murder this book. It has pushed me to brink of insanity.

Which novels will make the list of STP's Most Hated? What book will be crowned STP's #1 Despised Book?
Stay tuned to find out...  :D
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 03:10 PM by Poprad »
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Offline jessadia

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 03:48 PM »
Love the thread:)

Here's one:

Beautiful Beings by Kailin Gow- 4 bad stars: words cannot explain how bad this book was.

It was so bad that I actually speed-read the entire last few chapters just to get it over with. The idea behind the story was a good one, don't get me wrong, but the writing and characters made me wish I had never learned to read....

Offline Poprad

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 03:51 PM »
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Love the thread:)

Here's one:

Beautiful Beings by Kailin Gow- 4 bad stars: words cannot explain how bad this book was.

It was so bad that I actually speed-read the entire last few chapters just to get it over with. The idea behind the story was a good one, don't get me wrong, but the writing and characters made me wish I had never learned to read....

It made you wish you had never learned how to read?! Oh wow. That is some intense emotion right there. And I was looking forward to this book too, even if it is kinda down there on my TR list. Might as well just take it out of the list for good.

Will sticky this thread.

Offline jessadia

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 03:54 PM »
yes, i hated it. It was one of the worst books i have ever read....the dialogue, action and characters were horrible- my 4 year old could have written a better book ;)

That being said, that is just my opinion- I have come across plenty of people who like the books (why?!!) so you should read it and judge it yourself...

Offline Poprad

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2011, 03:57 PM »
To add to the list:

Major Crush - Jennifer Echols   
-2 stars       AKA:How did this go so wrong?

The book was such a disappointment. Everyone seemed to be looking for a copy and when I finally got one, it stunk. Writing was shabby and so not worth the wait. Was a big waste of time IMO.


Offline AveryC

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2011, 09:09 PM »
Not In Love with Kale Eddison: completely ridiculous drivel. couldn't finish. Not even worth its 99 cent cost.

Offline 123_4

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2011, 09:15 AM »
Darkness Becomes Her...  :o
I don't know anymore how many times I stopped before picking it up again... (As much as I hate a book, I always do my best to finish it - even if it takes a month. LOL)

Sorry for fans out there but I have got to give it a
-2 stars           How did this go so wrong?

Gosh, I soo wanted to love it but I just couldn't... The plot was nice but the writing really didn't do it for me. :(
And I was actually dissapointed with the climax build-up.. Oh, well. I'll still read the sequel. :P (hahaha)

Haven't read Beautiful Beings or Major Crush (yet), but thanks for the heads up. ;)
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Offline NicoNico

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2011, 05:21 AM »
Carrier of the Mark

-5 stars
I wish I hadn't picked it up.

I wish I hadn't picked up Carrier of the Mark at all. It's an offence to the paranormal romance genre. The whole thing lacks depth on every level - characters, plot, romance, setting... Not to mention the MC... She calls a girl "b*tch" just because she dares to walk to school with MC's secret love interest.

Offline Poprad

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2011, 01:09 PM »
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Carrier of the Mark

-5 stars
I wish I hadn't picked it up.

I wish I hadn't picked up Carrier of the Mark at all. It's an offence to the paranormal romance genre. The whole thing lacks depth on every level - characters, plot, romance, setting... Not to mention the MC... She calls a girl "b*tch" just because she dares to walk to school with MC's secret love interest.

That is so upsetting. I was gonna start this one today! Oh well, will find something else....

Offline Kallisti

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2011, 11:10 PM »
-4 stars             :-X                 Words cannot explain how bad this book was.
I'd have to put the Sookie Stackhouse series, George RR Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice series, the Eragon series, and anything written by Tad Williams here.
Sookie:  There's something to be said for a somewhat stupid main character. It gives the writer plenty of chances to have other characters explain things to the MC (and us). However, when your MC is so freaking stupid that she does the same things over and over again, never learning from her mistakes...that's when the writer needs to kill her off and find someone new to write about.
Martin:  Deadly dull. And just when it starts to get exciting, he starts killing off main characters. I slogged my way through the first two books and decided to look at Wikipedia to see if it got any better. Imagine my surprise when I learn the by the fourth or fifth book, he's managed to kill off every single main character except for one, who's a prick. I don't much like it when authors kill off characters, but when I went to all the effort to drag my way through his writing...*shakes her head* That I cannot abide.
Eragon:  I hate Eragon on multiple levels. There's the fact that he was this "genius author" who wrote his book when he was, what 17? 19? Yeah, a great book that takes the plot of Star Wars and sticks it in Tolkien's fantasy world, an author who has no imagination and poor descriptive abilities, one whose freaking PARENTS owned the publishing company that published him. He gets all sorts of accolades, when authors like Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (who wrote her first book at 14, was published without family connections, and has new ideas) are completely ignored.
Williams:  I've tried reading his different series on multiple occasions. What drove me crazy was his ADHD writing style. He would write a few pages from one character's perspective, rarely giving you enough information to figure out WHICH character, and then switch to another character..and another..and another. I felt like I needed to make a spreadsheet so I could write down the character's names, and what little I knew about them, just to figure out whose perspective I was reading. Entirely too frustrating!

-5 stars             >:(                 I want to murder this book. It has pushed me to brink of insanity.
The Elric Saga. Worst. Series. EVER. By the end of the sixth book, Elric manages to kill his entire family, everyone he loved, everyone he was ever friends with, everyone he met, and eventually destroys the world. And if that isn't bad enough, then his demon sword kills him and flies off. WTF?

...This is kinda cathartic. Thanks, Poprad!

Offline Poprad

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2011, 01:05 PM »
@Kallisti: Wow. You really needed to vent there. Glad to help by providing a spot for you to do this ;)
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Offline Kallisti

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2011, 10:29 PM »
*smiles wryly* There are only two people I know IRL who read as much as I do as well as the kind of books that I read: my dad and my brother. But I rarely get to sit and discuss what we've been reading. So..yeah. Thanks again! ;]

Offline Tart

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2011, 02:42 PM »
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Carrier of the Mark

-5 stars
I wish I hadn't picked it up.

I wish I hadn't picked up Carrier of the Mark at all. It's an offence to the paranormal romance genre. The whole thing lacks depth on every level - characters, plot, romance, setting... Not to mention the MC... She calls a girl "b*tch" just because she dares to walk to school with MC's secret love interest.
My sister has the same opinion as you about this book. She tried to throw away my copy that I brought but I kind of liked this book quite a bit, I mean it was lacking in some parts but I still liked it  :-[


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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2011, 04:58 AM »
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Not In Love with Kale Eddison: completely ridiculous drivel. couldn't finish. Not even worth its 99 cent cost.

I actually quite enjoyed it - yes it is far-fetched but isn't that what reading is all about? Escaping from reality for a few hours. Well, that's what reading is about for me.
Anyway, one book that I really didn't like was Immortal by Lauren Burd. I really forced myself to finish this because I rarely abandon a book. The whole story had been done before and I really wished that the author put an original spin on the subject instead of copying someone else's work.

Offline Mei

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2011, 05:22 AM »
Here is mine...

-3 for Jacqueline Carey's Santa Olivia - I loved the Kushiel series, I liked the Naamah, but this is at best only readable. It could be because it is completly different world building and gendre, but I didn't like it at all.

Like Kalisti I hated Song of Ice and Fire... sooooo depressing!!!! It makes you want to commit suicide... -4

Another -4 was Julia Templeton's Sinjin... oh, my... I was asking myself why, why all those raving 5*??? It is badly written, the hero is a jerk (is this the correct spelling? sorry... english is not my mother tongue). Nothing interesting happens...

-4 Outlander series... I tried and tried to read at least the first, but after 50 pages I just drop and fall asleep... Boooring.... (you who love it, don't kill me...)

-4 Jim C. Hines The Stepsister Scheme - are we kidding? Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! I tought that a story about after the fairy tale happy end will be fun, but this was plain stupid!

Offline jeng09

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2011, 04:32 AM »
Okay. My list: :)

1. The Immortals Series by Alyson Noel 3 stars
- The first two books were great but I just get tired with the way the story goes and end up not finishing the series at all.

2. Take Me There by Susane Colasanti 4 stars
- This book just didn't take me there at all.

3. Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn 4 stars
-  Honestly, the plot of this book is really intriguing. But I think the author focused on the 'reincarnation' part and she forgot to include the powerful love story that should have been the center of this story.

4. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins 2 stars
- Even though I really loved the first two books in this series, I must admit that I don't like the way Suzanne Collins ended things. I hate what she did to Peeta. :(



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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2011, 06:13 AM »
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Love the thread:)

Here's one:

Beautiful Beings by Kailin Gow- 4 bad stars: words cannot explain how bad this book was.

It was so bad that I actually speed-read the entire last few chapters just to get it over with. The idea behind the story was a good one, don't get me wrong, but the writing and characters made me wish I had never learned to read....

I posted if only to agree with you because I dropped this one halfway through. The characters are horrible, and what's with those pretentious names? Lux, Moore, whatever... I tried another book by this author, Fade and it was just as bad... Duh.

My top most horrible book so far is Beautiful Creatures by Kim Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Full five stars. I was baffled with so many positive reviews about this book. It's horrible. Plain stupid and ridiculous. I hated Ethan and Lena so much that I was ready to tear the pages of the book out (and I have a signed copy!) It's quite a shame really because I saw the authors when they were in Paris, and the way they answered the questions made me think they were smart ladies. Apparently that isn't enough for a good book...

Another one that I'd like to mention is Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. There are just not enough anti-stars to rate it. Again, I cannot believe so many people like it, and I can't understand what for. The narration is just so childish, with plenty of factual errors. It felt like the author didn't even bother reread what she wrote. And don't get me started on Patch. Or Nora. Ugh.

Last but not least, Before I go to Sleep by S.J. Watson. 2 stars actually, because I liked this book quite a lot before the final chapters happened. So, beware the spoilers because I just have to rant it out.

The whole amnesia plot, then finding and reading the journal was great. I felt like I emerged in Christine's world together with her. And then the stupid ending happened. Okay. Let me get this straight. Your husband or wife has some freaky disease. You love him/her so much that you dump him/her in a clinic and never-ever visit or even give a call to make sure he/she is still alive? Wow. Or your mother/father is sick and you care about him/her so much that you never-ever talk to a doctor to find out if maybe there's progress? If Christine's husband or son bothered to call just once to the clinic, they'd know that she was no longer there and thus something happened to her. But they loved her so much that they just abandoned her. Awesome.

Don't read this book if you don't want to spend the rest of the day glaring furiously at your e-reader (Kindle for me), having murderous intentions. 

P.S. I just saw a mention of Sookie Stackhouse. Yep, definitely on my list. That was a major disappointment.

Phew, sorry for a long post :)


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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2011, 11:04 AM »
Godmother - Carolyn Turgeon

5 Stars - Wish my friend never told me about it and gave it to me

It is more of the fact that I went into this book completely unaware of the complete and utterly depressing undertones of the story and was in for a happy, trouble free book.  :'( Ended up hating the book, character, author (for making such a story), and my friend (for recommending the book without the warning). Made me afraid to read her other modern fairy tale books in fear of total depression and regret of having ever read the book in the first place. Story seriously pissed me off, depressed me beyond compare (not in a good way, yes there is a good depression with other books), and for once made me wish I never read the book in the first place. HATE HATE HATE it :(


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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2011, 11:09 AM »
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Okay. My list: :)

1. The Immortals Series by Alyson Noel 3 stars
- The first two books were great but I just get tired with the way the story goes and end up not finishing the series at all.

2. Take Me There by Susane Colasanti 4 stars
- This book just didn't take me there at all.

3. Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn 4 stars
-  Honestly, the plot of this book is really intriguing. But I think the author focused on the 'reincarnation' part and she forgot to include the powerful love story that should have been the center of this story.

4. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins 2 stars
- Even though I really loved the first two books in this series, I must admit that I don't like the way Suzanne Collins ended things. I hate what she did to Peeta. :(

Comment on Mockingjay being here: I am surprised and not at  this book being given 2 stars, The Series got me to a whole new emotional level ( I get way too absorbed in the books I read) but as much as I cried a lot during the series and the horror I felt for harshness Suzanne Collins did to some of the characters (in the 2nd and 3rd book) I would always love this series, but would attach: deep depression/disappointment tag to the book for some future readers.   

Offline pixiebelle

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2011, 01:58 PM »
Because I just want the e-mail update on this thread. lol But I will post a book(s):


Anything after the second book in Melissa DelaCruz's Blue Bloods series. I loved Sky. When I read book 3 I couldn't help but wonder what happened to the tough girl that turned her into Bella.

And barf on that one scene between Jack and Mimi in that one book. I don't care if they've been reincarnated and are only related just because, that was just icky in my opinion. I wanted to puke when it happened but I couldn't help but continue to turn that page on that train-wreck of a scene.
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