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Author Topic: The Do-Not-Fly Book List  (Read 72915 times)

Offline Poprad

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The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:07 PM »
OK, there are so many threads which are all about people's FAV things, but I want to dish some dirt and have a little rant fest.

So I thought, why not start a Do-Not-Fly list for books? Books that we, as readers, cannot tolerate to any degree at all. Ones we couldn't finish, couldn't help but finish because they were just that bad and ones which we feel the need to completely warn others off from.

What have you read that you feel needs to make this list?

You can rank them using this rating scheme if you want:
-1 star               :(                   I just didn't like it.
-2 stars             :o                   How did this go so wrong?
-3 stars             :'(                  (choked sob) It was horrible...
-4 stars             :-X                 Words cannot explain how bad this book was.
-5 stars             >:(                 I want to murder this book. It has pushed me to brink of insanity.

Which novels will make the list of STP's Most Hated? What book will be crowned STP's #1 Despised Book?
Stay tuned to find out...  :D
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 03:10 PM by Poprad »
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Offline NicoNico

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2011, 02:49 AM »
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My top most horrible book so far is Beautiful Creatures by Kim Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Full five stars. I was baffled with so many positive reviews about this book. It's horrible. Plain stupid and ridiculous. I hated Ethan and Lena so much that I was ready to tear the pages of the book out (and I have a signed copy!) It's quite a shame really because I saw the authors when they were in Paris, and the way they answered the questions made me think they were smart ladies. Apparently that isn't enough for a good book...

I agree it's horrible and I'm amazed that it's going to be a 4-book series. To me the writing, characters and plot are just too chaotic.

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Another one that I'd like to mention is Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. There are just not enough anti-stars to rate it. Again, I cannot believe so many people like it, and I can't understand what for. The narration is just so childish, with plenty of factual errors. It felt like the author didn't even bother reread what she wrote. And don't get me started on Patch. Or Nora. Ugh.

Haha, I have mixed feelings about Hush, hush. I loved the dialogues between Nora and Patch, but I hated everything else - plot, setting, villains, finale. BF clearly has problems with creating a plot and overuses cliches. I only liked the first half of the book and that's why I gave it 3 stars at GR. Otherwise I would give it 1 star.


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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2011, 01:04 AM »
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Haha, I have mixed feelings about Hush, hush. I loved the dialogues between Nora and Patch, but I hated everything else - plot, setting, villains, finale. BF clearly has problems with creating a plot and overuses cliches. I only liked the first half of the book and that's why I gave it 3 stars at GR. Otherwise I would give it 1 star.

Lol, I didn't even get to the villains or finale. I was stuck in the middle, trying to figure out how anything about Patch reads sexy, or angelic, for that matter.

Anyway, I'm in for a long one again, so beware potential (minor) spoilers below.

- Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake gets 3 stars. It's really a shame, because I loved the cover (gorgeous!) and the title seemed uncommon enough. However, I failed liking this book from the very first pages. The ghosts that everyone can see and that need to be killed like zombies or demons seemed too grotesque to me. If I were to choose, I really prefer the teary Ghost Whisperer version with Jennifer Love Hewitt crying her makeup out in every episode. Still, I kept reading until the breaking point, which occurred eventually.

  • pre-pre-last straw: All the droning on about high school and how Cas (the main character) was so smart about figuring other kids out and obtaining information from them. Honestly, I'm getting my overload of high school, soon I'll feel like I actually attended high school in the US after all those books that describe it. An only reason why I'm so hopelessly stuck with YA genre at all is because the adult fiction seems to be stuck in limbo of too-many-unpronounceable-names classic fantasy/too-many-complicated-technology science fiction combo or too-much-sex romance/too-much-blood thriller/too-much-blah mystery. Why every intriguing plot or interesting twist has to belong with YA?
  • pre-last straw: Why, dear me, why did those boys hit Cas over the head? Maybe there is an explanation for it later on, but I don't wanna know. It's just utterly stupid.
  • last straw: Apparently, the author needs to look up in a dictionary the meaning of the word hypocrisy. How is it hypocritical to respect your enemy? It's a sane attitude of a person who knows that the enemy is powerful and can actually rip you to pieces. Cas was right to be pissed off about stupid teens mocking Anna. No hypocrisy whatsoever.

- The Otherworld or Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong gets 3 stars. I jumped on those when I saw they were kind of interesting and not YA. Well, I dreadfully missed the YA's no sex (almost) policy. Don't get me wrong, I like some eroticism and steam in my books, I'm not a prude, but Bitten was just over-stuffed with sex. Elena hates Clay. Duh. She's mad with him: they have sex. She's sad over losing a friend: they have sex. She's pissed off all over again: they have sex. Now, that's hypocritical! I found this woman even more whiny than Bella Swan, even though she plays it tough. Okay, you were bitten by a big, bad wolf; your life is changed forever, blah-blah-blah... Well, don't get back right to him or get over yourself! How many times must she repeat that he ruined her existence? And I barely read half of this bore. Ugh.

- Jenny Pox, book 1 from The Paranormals series by J.L. Bryan gets two stars. It was kind of okay if not too long and too whiny in places. Jenny's a not well developed character, perhaps on purpose. Some sex scenes appeared to be not suitable for teenagers, but what do I even know about teenagers anymore? And in the end there was too much unnecessary gore, IMO. The finale could have been shortened at least by half of the page count. I got stuck with the next book, Tommy Nightmare, and I don't think I will be finishing it, even though author's theory about the origin of his uncommon characters was interesting.

- Storm Front, which is the first book in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher gets 3 stars. Well, again a disappointment for my carving for unusual and adult books. I'm sorry, but this book read like an utter bore of Harry Potter growing up into an utter loser of Harry Dresden. He just switched last names and became a private investigator. The investigation part was just boring, I was always a step or two ahead of the character. And for me, the supernatural part didn't actually add anything but perhaps undesirable analogies with Harry Potter.

- Okay, wow, do I even need to add Harry Potter here? 3 stars (and I'm being generous). I do not mean to offend any fans out there, I just need this out of me. Sorry...

So, I really don't like these books. I tried to read them (and read one and a half) when the hype had just begun (I was in my early teens, I believe). I didn't like it and found it boring. I tried again later and again a year or so ago. Still no luck. I just don't understand all the craziness about it and think that the entire thing is hugely overrated.

Offline Spoodle

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2011, 06:34 AM »
the House of Night series by PC and Kirsten Cast= 4

I am probably going to get attacked now by the cult that love this series, but i found it horrible. I couldn't understand how the main character could love up to 4 boys at once, and think that it was okay.... are the writers insane??

I feel like there was peer pressure to have some sort of love triangle in the book because thats just what seems to happen in YA, and naturally the House of Night series just manages to take it a bit far and make it an awkward love pentagon.

I tried with these books, i really tried. I know I always attacked anyone who said things like "eeew twilight" by yelling at them "HAVE YOU EVEN READ THE BOOKS? NO, THEN DON'T JUDGE!!!"
So i read them. I read about 7 of them until i couldn't take it anymore... and usually for me, no matter how bad a series is i finish it because i have this OCD thingy that just NEEDS to know how it all finishes, but with House of Night i was pushed too far and i refuse.

And of course i would like to end by saying i know it is a very well known and well loved series, and im sure i love books that others find abismal  :)

Offline Spoodle

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2011, 06:50 AM »
and yes, that was intentional capitals because yelling was needed ;)

The DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) by Kody Keplinger
(yes, that is the title)
The DUFF starts off with the portagonist, Bianca sitting in a club as Wesley Rush comes up and starts telling her how he's interested in her friends, and how she's going to help him make them be the next notches on his belt. And, he ever so rudely informs her that she is the DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend.

and, with her messed up family life she uses him as a distraction... The guy's a brazen asshole who's trying to use you to get into your friends pants—all while telling you that you're a statistically ugly fat chick!!!!!!!!!!!

then, even though she hates him she falls into a friends with benifits thing because her home life is crap. Rather than talk with any one of her friends who she just pushes away, she sleeps with this guy who is a total man-whore, absolute douche and arrogant in an obnoxious way that just makes me want to slap him over and over.

If i'd read this in paper back, i would have burned the book. as it was i nearly threw my e-reader across the room to escape the terror and traumatic experience that was The DUFF.

if you want to remain sane, never, EVER read this book. it deserves the five points, hands down.

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Offline NicoNico

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2011, 10:45 AM »
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and yes, that was intentional capitals because yelling was needed ;)

The DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) by Kody Keplinger
(yes, that is the title)
The DUFF starts off with the portagonist, Bianca sitting in a club as Wesley Rush comes up and starts telling her how he's interested in her friends, and how she's going to help him make them be the next notches on his belt. And, he ever so rudely informs her that she is the DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend.

and, with her messed up family life she uses him as a distraction... The guy's a brazen asshole who's trying to use you to get into your friends pants—all while telling you that you're a statistically ugly fat chick!!!!!!!!!!!

then, even though she hates him she falls into a friends with benifits thing because her home life is crap. Rather than talk with any one of her friends who she just pushes away, she sleeps with this guy who is a total man-NOT ALLOWED, absolute douche and arrogant in an obnoxious way that just makes me want to slap him over and over.

If i'd read this in paper back, i would have burned the book. as it was i nearly threw my e-reader across the room to escape the terror and traumatic experience that was The DUFF.

if you want to remain sane, never, EVER read this book. it deserves the five points, hands down.

This is a book about a snarky girl who fools around with a player. If you don't like the premise, then you won't like the book. What did you expect?

Anyway, The House of Night series by PC and Kirsten Cast deserves -99 stars. It's just so pathetic, I don't even know how to explain my disgust something like it was ever published.

Offline Sweet-potatoe

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2011, 11:02 AM »

Anyway, The House of Night series by PC and Kirsten Cast deserves -99 stars. It's just so pathetic, I don't even know how to explain my disgust something like it was ever published.

I couldn't agree more I had gotten this books from my library before I had an ereader, if I had paid money I think I would have demanded a refund.

Offline pixiebelle

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2011, 11:08 AM »
I actually like The DUFF. Did you finish reading it or quit after the first chapter? I'll admit, I wanted to throw my e-reader as well when he said all that, but it got better. Tons better.

I think it's safe to say that everyone does not understand how Zoe has fallen in love and messed around with guys in a matter of days/week. It's like Baskin Robins new flavor of the month: who will Zoe sleep with/fall in love with next? I started reading "Destined" but got bored in the second chapter. I don't have the will to pick it back up yet.
"One day I would stop taking off my clothes in
V’lane’s presence, but the cost of that resistance
would be a piece of my soul." ~ MacKayla Lane

Offline Tart

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2011, 08:10 PM »
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh :: 5
I hated this book with a passion, I actually threw and broke my first eReader when I read this crap on it. I know so many people that love this book but I hated it with every ounce of my being. Every time Isobel spoke or Varen brooded I wanted to smack something.

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins :: 2
Don't get me wrong, it's not bad books but I couldn't stand to read it. I know it would seem I'm in the minority here but nobody understands why I hate this entire series. They always try to convince me that it's great and I don't see it at all.

Evernight Series by Claudia Gray :: 3
After Stargazer, this series went to the trash can. I couldn't keep up with it and the story lines especially in Hourglass and Afterlife were just  ???

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series by Laurell K. Hamilton :: 2
After around 10 it went down the toilet before it would actually have a story line in the books. Then it was only sex and more sex and more sex and that about says it all, it's only so much people can take before they want to throw up reading certain things.

Offline cttata

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2011, 10:07 PM »
As I Wake by Elizabeth Scott -- 3
I was so excited to read this book and it just turned out to be confusing dribble.

The Fallen by Lauren Kate -- 5

I really hated this book. It was just horrible. I just can't. This was the first angel book I read and ever since then I've been weary to read anymore. Thankfully they're not all like this one.


Offline Spoodle

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2011, 10:53 PM »
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I really hated this book. It was just horrible. I just can't. This was the first angel book I read and ever since then I've been weary to read anymore. Thankfully they're not all like this one.

I know! However while i found Fallen tolerable, it was the sequel that would make me give it a 5. And from there it just gets worse. Deflinetly a deceptive series... you think its going to be good, and then it just destroys your hope. That was probably why i was so disapointed because the reviews where so good! 


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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2011, 02:10 AM »
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The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins :: 2
Don't get me wrong, it's not bad books but I couldn't stand to read it. I know it would seem I'm in the minority here but nobody understands why I hate this entire series. They always try to convince me that it's great and I don't see it at all.

I'm not fond of these series either. The first book was kind of interesting, but the main characters, especially Peeta, annoyed me greatly. And what was all that circus with him loving Katniss and being more worthy than her because of it? The girl sacrificed herself for her sister, for crying out loud! Anyway, IMO these books are highly overrated. Sorry to say that...  :(

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series by Laurell K. Hamilton :: 2
After around 10 it went down the toilet before it would actually have a story line in the books. Then it was only sex and more sex and more sex and that about says it all, it's only so much people can take before they want to throw up reading certain things.

I read just a few pages of this book which I bought after thinking that maybe I can survive some more vampires. Nope. Really, no. Plus the stupid plot and highly unpleasant heroine. I wish I would have just listened to my better judgement and left that book alone in the store.

Offline Tart

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2011, 09:10 AM »
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The Fallen by Lauren Kate -- 5

I really hated this book. It was just horrible. I just can't. This was the first angel book I read and ever since then I've been weary to read anymore. Thankfully they're not all like this one.
I actually liked the first book enough to maybe give it a re-read sometime but book two was a bit of a disappointment and then book three was just bad. I don't think I can survive book 4 when it comes out next year.

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Anyway, IMO these books are highly overrated.
I agree with that 110%, it really is overrated when I first heard about it people were over rejoicing about how great the books were but to this day I don't see it.

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I read just a few pages of this book which I bought after thinking that maybe I can survive some more vampires. Nope. Really, no. Plus the stupid plot and highly unpleasant heroine. I wish I would have just listened to my better judgement and left that book alone in the store.
You're better than me, I forced myself through the first eight of them and I liked them to a point but when I passed that it was just bad. Anita just turned into a horrible imitation of a succubus and I couldn't stand it. I still try to force read the rest of the series but my mind doesn't even bother to pay much attention.

Offline enaire

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2011, 10:53 AM »
Strange Angels Series -4:
The more the series progress, the more annoying it gets, especially the MC. She gets whimpy and weaker every time, and it seems she always needs to be save, that sucks because she's suppose to be strong, it's also annoying how she's always drowning in her self-pity, I also hate the fact that she can't decide what to do with the people around her, she has very poor character development, instead of progressing, she's regressing @_@.

A Song of Fire and Ice Series-2:
I find it boring, and disappointing, I can't make myself finish the series. I've been reading it for almost two months, whereas normally I can finish one book in a matter of hours.


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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2011, 10:53 AM »
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I agree with that 110%, it really is overrated when I first heard about it people were over rejoicing about how great the books were but to this day I don't see it.

You know what pisses me off the most about these books? How everything even remotely about dystopian kind of future gets compared to them. I was reading some comments on Shelfari about the great Maze Runner series, and it was always like: oh, it's so much like Hunger Games. Oh, but I didn't want to read it because I adore the Hunger Games so much... Hell, there's nothing similar at all. And duh, the Hunger Games aren't that great to be some kind of reference... I couldn't even force myself to read the third book, because the second one disappointed me. When Katniss went to the arena again, I was like huh? Déjà vu much? And the whole concept of the previous winners, some of them elderly and crippled, sacrificing themselves for her... Well, I guess I shouldn't get started on this  :-[

Offline Tart

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2011, 12:58 PM »
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You know what pisses me off the most about these books? How everything even remotely about dystopian kind of future gets compared to them. I was reading some comments on Shelfari about the great Maze Runner series, and it was always like: oh, it's so much like Hunger Games. Oh, but I didn't want to read it because I adore the Hunger Games so much... Hell, there's nothing similar at all. And duh, the Hunger Games aren't that great to be some kind of reference... I couldn't even force myself to read the third book, because the second one disappointed me. When Katniss went to the arena again, I was like huh? Déjà vu much? And the whole concept of the previous winners, some of them elderly and crippled, sacrificing themselves for her... Well, I guess I shouldn't get started on this  :-[
I understand what you mean, I could vent for a long time about the Hunger Games. When I start talking about it sometimes I just get caught up about how badly I didn't like it and then I get flashbacks of specific things I've forgotten I didn't like and it can go on and on. You know what's funny, out of every Dystopian novel I've read HG is one of if not the worse one to date... think that alone says how I feel about it.

Offline cttata

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2011, 04:43 PM »
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I know! However while i found Fallen tolerable, it was the sequel that would make me give it a 5. And from there it just gets worse. Deflinetly a deceptive series... you think its going to be good, and then it just destroys your hope. That was probably why i was so disapointed because the reviews where so good!

Yes! I kept seeing rave reviews for it so I thought it'd be good but nooo it wasn't. I tried to kept going though and read the sequel but couldn't finish it.

Offline cttata

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2011, 05:09 PM »
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Strange Angels Series -4:
The more the series progress, the more annoying it gets, especially the MC. She gets whimpy and weaker every time, and it seems she always needs to be save, that sucks because she's suppose to be strong, it's also annoying how she's always drowning in her self-pity, I also hate the fact that she can't decide what to do with the people around her, she has very poor character development, instead of progressing, she's regressing @_@.

After reading the fifth book I definitely agree with you. She is so reliant on all the other characters. When the series first stated she was so strong but now not so much. Along with her character development I hate the whole love triangle. She never chooses one. Its the fifth book in the series and I'm still confused as to who she wants to be with.

Offline Kallisti

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2011, 12:00 AM »
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After reading the fifth book I definitely agree with you. She is so reliant on all the other characters. When the series first stated she was so strong but now not so much. Along with her character development I hate the whole love triangle. She never chooses one. Its the fifth book in the series and I'm still confused as to who she wants to be with.

That's how I ended up feeling about Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. I'd probably give it:
-2 stars             :o                   How did this go so wrong?
It started out fun, but I quit reading around book..10? 11? And at that point, she STILL hadn't truly chosen between the two guys. I gave up and haven't read the next six or however many books. It's one thing for an author to create dramatic tension with a love triangle and another to drag it out to the point where you want to shoot one of the characters so she'll finally choose.
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Offline Spoodle

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2011, 03:10 AM »
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That's how I ended up feeling about Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. I'd probably give it:
-2 stars             :o                   How did this go so wrong?
It started out fun, but I quit reading around book..10? 11? And at that point, she STILL hadn't truly chosen between the two guys. I gave up and haven't read the next six or however many books. It's one thing for an author to create dramatic tension with a love triangle and another to drag it out to the point where you want to shoot one of the characters so she'll finally choose.

YES! But, my problem with the books (and explosive 18 is coming out soon) is that ive been following the characters for so long i cant not finish them. I need to know who she ends up with and she just keeps running circles around both of them. I think the series started when she was 30, and at book 18 im thinking she sould just choose already (Morelli) and settle down!
This series has gone very, very wrong but i just cant stop it. I feel obligated to find who she ends up with, so i skim over each book to see where the romance goes, and if any decision has been made.

Offline Kallisti

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2011, 10:02 AM »
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YES! But, my problem with the books (and explosive 18 is coming out soon) is that ive been following the characters for so long i cant not finish them. I need to know who she ends up with and she just keeps running circles around both of them. I think the series started when she was 30, and at book 18 im thinking she sould just choose already (Morelli) and settle down!
This series has gone very, very wrong but i just cant stop it. I feel obligated to find who she ends up with, so i skim over each book to see where the romance goes, and if any decision has been made.

mland, I used to be the same way where I couldn't stop reading a series I had started. However, numerous crappy authors/series have cured me of this!


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