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Author Topic: The Do-Not-Fly Book List  (Read 72912 times)

Offline Poprad

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The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:07 PM »
OK, there are so many threads which are all about people's FAV things, but I want to dish some dirt and have a little rant fest.

So I thought, why not start a Do-Not-Fly list for books? Books that we, as readers, cannot tolerate to any degree at all. Ones we couldn't finish, couldn't help but finish because they were just that bad and ones which we feel the need to completely warn others off from.

What have you read that you feel needs to make this list?

You can rank them using this rating scheme if you want:
-1 star               :(                   I just didn't like it.
-2 stars             :o                   How did this go so wrong?
-3 stars             :'(                  (choked sob) It was horrible...
-4 stars             :-X                 Words cannot explain how bad this book was.
-5 stars             >:(                 I want to murder this book. It has pushed me to brink of insanity.

Which novels will make the list of STP's Most Hated? What book will be crowned STP's #1 Despised Book?
Stay tuned to find out...  :D
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 03:10 PM by Poprad »
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Offline perfect_patty

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #41 on: November 09, 2011, 08:37 PM »
Boys that Bite (A Blood Coven Vampire Novel)  -4 stars  Words cannot explain how bad this book was.
I can not believe this book sells for almost $10 on Amazon. 
It came out in 2006 and still haunts me
People if you want to give $10 away feel free to give it to me
Now I'm sad
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 08:39 PM by perfect_patty »
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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #42 on: November 11, 2011, 05:42 PM »
Oh, yes. I'm so ready for this thread. Let's go.

Jenna and Jonah's Fauxmance by Emily Franklin
4 stars
Simply put, this book was ridiculous. Let me just say that it does not take much to entertain me. I can adore the most cliche, idiotic of books, but this one? No. No no no nononononono NO! The main characters were both rude and arrogant. They treated each other like crap the entire time. The transitions between chapters and even just between ideas were basically nonexistent. The characters purposefully go between acting fake with each other and being themselves for no apparent reason. The sexual tension that is included is anything but tactful and is basically pretty gross. And I'm a girl who likes sexual tension. But this book failed at it. I had to read it in one sitting because I knew if I put it down I'd never pick it up again.

The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson
2 stars
This book had its good moments, but they did not, unfortunately, outweigh the bad. IMO this book had no purpose. I suppose it's supposed to provide some sort of "closure" to the first book, but honestly, the first book didn't need the closure, it was fine as was. But instead of leaving well enough alone, this book happened. It totally unraveled most of what happened in the first book, making the previous character interactions totally pointless. It turned the male lead from the first book into an intolerable jerk. The main character was a whiny, insecure idiot. The new character, Oliver, I think, didn't seem at all redeeming and yet he's supposed to be the one we root for. I just...oh, this book just hurt.

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
5 stars
I honestly do not believe I can express how much I hate this book. I loved Hush, Hush and thought it was really great. So of course I was really looking forward to the sequel. It basically made me want to shove a pencil through my ear and into my brain. The entire thing was idiotic drivel. The main character was whiny, indecisive, needy and obnoxious. She pushes the guy she loves away and then cries over how much she loves him. When he tries to come back to her she pushes him away and then proceeds to cry over how much she loves him once again. The supporting characters are really all very annoying, and I don't think there is a single one that saves the book. The twists are obnoxious, everything was obnoxious. This was another book where I had to finish it in one sitting, and by the end I had almost thrown my kindle against a wall.

All the Way by Andy Behrens
4 stars
This book was so BORING. It's supposedly what the movie Sex Drive is based off of. The movie is hilarious, so I thought hey! I love books! It's based off a book! I'll read that book! ...I shouldn't have read that book. I was bored to tears throughout the entire thing. The characters are all mundane. Their little "adventures" are not entertaining. The cliches weren't even executed well! And I love cliches! How can you go wrong with cliches? Ugh, this book definitely found a way.

Cupidity by Caroline Goode
4 stars
I just...I couldn't believe how terrible it really was. The whole thing, it was just ridiculous. The plot was horrendous. The cupid and the way it's portrayed and the things it does...it's really unbelievable. But you really don't want to read the book to try and believe. Trust me.

Take My Breath Away by Tina Donahue
3 stars
This is the most redundant book I've ever read. If you've read the first two chapters, you've pretty much read the entire book. The characters repeat the same things over and over while barely anything changes between scenarios. The book was trying to be spicy and romantic, but really it was just boring.

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
5 stars
The first three books are really actually kind of decent...you know, as long as you don't think too hard about them. Because when you think too hard about them you really start to realize things like...they sparkle? And...they don't have fangs?? What kind of vampire doesn't have fangs? And they're so reckless with their strength that they can't really have normal interactions with humans? But this book...yeah, this book. I abhor it. I truly do. From Bella guilt-tripping Edward into sleeping with her more, to the pregnancy, to the imprinting thing, and the cop-out with Bella not having to deal with the crazy new vampire-ness and the "epic battle" mostly involving them standing around while Bella creates a bubble around them with her mind...yeah, it was just bad. This book was awful. It was the worst thing that could have happened. The entire book was a cop-out. Ugh, just, ugh!

Gone by Lisa McMann
2 stars
Firstly, it was boring. Secondly it had no purpose. Really, there was one revelation that really didn't need an entire book. I found it totally pointless and a waste of my time. An ugly stain on an otherwise worthwhile series.

Crash Into Me by Albert Borris
2 stars
This book had so much potential. When I read the inside cover I was really excited because it sounded so good. But there was just something in the execution that was totally off. None of the characters were interesting, not even their terrible, depressing backgrounds were intriguing. The plot was just iffy. The writing wasn't great. The idea behind it was so good and the execution just didn't cut it.

Okay! I think I'm good for now. That was nice :) Haha

Offline Asparagus

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2011, 04:30 AM »
The House of night series just went from bad to worse.

I'm saving the -5 for the next three books which definitely do not look good. I still read the series for reasons I cannot fathom. Masochism? To see the downfall of it's plot to abject misery?
If you compare the Zoey in the first book to the recently released one, it's a b i g gap. Now she irritates me. A lot. And the author JUST had to bring back Heath. *groan* 

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Nevermore by Kelly Creagh :: 5
I hated this book with a passion, I actually threw and broke my first eReader when I read this crap on it. I know so many people that love this book but I hated it with every ounce of my being. Every time Isobel spoke or Varen brooded I wanted to smack something.

Oh goody! It's finally great to see someone hate Nevermore with such passion too. The reviews on Goodreads raved so much but I reviled it. To read it is like sifting through muck. It made be doze off several times. Isobel was an idiot for liking Varen. Varen's a bigger dunderhead. Reading. it. was. torture.
I also dislike poetry a lot. ESPECIALLY when they're in books. Which is probably part of the reason why I hate it. If they wanted poetry, go write poetry. If they want to write prose, write prose. Don't mix it together!!!!! >:( Most of the reviews all talked about the literary wonder that Kelly Creagh was and how the book was a marvel, but seriously? I felt that she sucked at storytelling. big time. Stick to poetry and let other people do prose.
'It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I was meaning to read.' - Lemony Snicket

Offline jaffa cakes

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #44 on: November 21, 2011, 12:44 PM »
Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz -5
Finished the first book tried the second one and couldn't stand it.

Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1) by  J.D. Tyler -4
this one made me sick - hero finds a mate, he is fighting it so he tries to have a sex with another woman..well he would do it if he could .Couple hours later he is back where his mate is, she smells another woman on him , they have fight five minutes later they have sex. STUPID!
Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward -4 same for Doomsday Brethren by Shayla Black

A Need So Beautiful by  Suzanne Young   -1

I know that most people like this one, well I liked it too but at the same time there was something that didn't sit well with me.

On the list is also any book by Jaden Sinclair, Mandy Roth. I also have to agree about Prince of Wolves and Breaking Dawn. Jeaniene Frost's books - I love them and hate them at the same time.

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2011, 10:55 AM »
I never thought that I would post here. :(
Forever... by Judy Blume  -2
The book was interesting, sort of but when I kept reading and just as it began to reach its most exciting point, I found two most unexpected words there 'The End'. I mean, seriously?
How can one end the book just when they were going to show the true effect of the choices of MC? A true disappointment.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 01:26 PM by Poprad »
Have you checked this out yet?
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Offline girlfromcookieland

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #46 on: December 13, 2011, 09:19 AM »
I'ts not in my nature to hate a book, but there are just some books that make you want to snap it's spine/break your e-reader and rip off it's pages.

one of these was the Immortal Series -it's been previously mentioned, but I need to say it myself- I.HATED.THE.SERIES. the most book I ever regret reading. poor characters, plot and the covers weren't even that pretty! I give that series a pure 5.

The second one is Lament by Maggie Stiefvater. This one gets a 3, cause it wasn't that terrible. but Maggie rushes through the book -i hate fast-paced books, things need to take their time- and the sequel didn't give any answers to the second book, actually the sequel shouldn't have been a sequel cause it was barely related to the first book. anyways, don't waste your time reading it.

The third is Fallen Series by Lauren Kate :\ it gets a 1. The book just keep dragging and dragging and dragging on and on without giving any answers. it's like lauren doesn't have the answers, but I will read the fourth book cause I'm curious, I hope I don't get disappointed.

“We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ― Anaïs Nin

Offline reenz

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #47 on: December 13, 2011, 11:21 PM »
The House of Night Series - PC & K Cast - 4 stars.....

this started off as such a good series but it should have ended a long time ago! the MC is always complaining and moaning about how all the pressure is on her. There are so many guys in and out of her life. Neferette is becoming just a joke now, seriously i doubt how she is out-witting a goddess but ya. there is always a death in each book but new characters keep cropping up, now we have a sub series to explain some of the teacher's past. end it and end it quickly!!!  Im just reading this out of morbid curiosity now.

Prophecy of the Sisters - Michelle Zink - 5 stars
i cant believe i spent money and bought the actual book. i have never battled in all my life to get through a book as much as I did this. It took me nearly a year to finish it. the plot just dragged on and on and on. I found myself so confused at some points. cant believe she wrote 2 more books for this series.

Offline Maayzi

Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #48 on: December 14, 2011, 11:11 PM »
Tris and Izzie - Mette Ivie Harrison

This book gets a -4 stars, just because I'm feeling nice today. Word's can't describe how much I loathed this book. I made the worst mistake of my life by judging this book by it's cover but it was so completely gorgous, how could I not read it? By the 2nd chapter I was already regretting it. I didn't even get halfway through the book before I gave up.
The main character, Tris, was so unbelievably annoying. Most of the book consisted of her whinging or throwing a hissy fit. The author seemed to think that all teenage girls seemed to care about was boys and makeup. In some instances that is true, but in most that's not the case. There was scene where she was mad at her best friend for, I quote 'Not wanting to wear a little make up to look prettier for the boys.' Dear lord. I was ready to burn that book. Unfortunately, it was an ebook.

My final case in point: It has an average score of 2.30 on Goodreads. Out of 5.00. In most of the reviews, people rated it about 2.00 stars, I haven't seen any 3 stars yet. Do yourself a favour and don't read this book. Even if you can borrow it from a library - don't. It will just be a waste of your time. Feel free to disagree if you love it, but I highly doubt many (if any) do.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 11:13 PM by Maayzi »
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Offline Hotaru_Amy

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2012, 07:56 AM »
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To add to the list:

Major Crush - Jennifer Echols   
-2 stars       AKA:How did this go so wrong?

The book was such a disappointment. Everyone seemed to be looking for a copy and when I finally got one, it stunk. Writing was shabby and so not worth the wait. Was a big waste of time IMO.

I KNOOOW! I thought the same thing, I was like "this HAS to be a good book if everyone keeps asking for it...." T_______T but what a bummer.....it was really disappointing, it wasn't even a good light read.......and def. "how did this go so wrong?" lol

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2012, 08:00 AM »
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I'ts not in my nature to hate a book, but there are just some books that make you want to snap it's spine/break your e-reader and rip off it's pages.

one of these was the Immortal Series -it's been previously mentioned, but I need to say it myself- I.HATED.THE.SERIES. the most book I ever regret reading. poor characters, plot and the covers weren't even that pretty! I give that series a pure 5.

wait, so the Immortal series is that bad? It's on my reading list because people keep recommending is such a good read, but it never has really called out to me......so i'm not sure what I should do......maybe i'll just skip the whole series, or take a peek and see what it's all about...

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2012, 08:03 AM »
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wait, so the Immortal series is that bad? It's on my reading list because people keep recommending is such a good read, but it never has really called out to me......so i'm not sure what I should do......maybe i'll just skip the whole series, or take a peek and see what it's all about...

I read the first one. That's it. Was not memorable, or swoon-worthy, or worth it. If it hasn't called out to you, I vote for SKIPPING, or try it and find out the hard way :P
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 08:05 AM by Poprad »

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #52 on: January 02, 2012, 08:04 AM »
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I never thought that I would post here. :(
Forever... by Judy Blume  -2
The book was interesting, sort of but when I kept reading and just as it began to reach its most exciting point, I found two most unexpected words there 'The End'. I mean, seriously?
How can one end the book just when they were going to show the true effect of the choices of MC? A true disappointment.

OH MY GOD! yes, I get what you mean!! The moment was there for her, what was she going to do? Theo called...! and then "THE END" T_____T left me wanting more......GRRRRRRR!!

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2012, 08:07 AM »
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I read the first one. That's it. Was not memorable, or swoon-worthy, or worth it. If it hasn't called out to you, I vote for SKIPPING, or try it and find out the hard way ;)

lmao ok, ummmm.....i'm really leaning towards skipping it altogether BUT I like to take on a book no matter what, since I already have the series, so maybe i'll just find out the hard way......*gulps*

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #54 on: January 02, 2012, 08:14 AM »
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lmao ok, ummmm.....i'm really leaning towards skipping it altogether BUT I like to take on a book no matter what, since I already have the series, so maybe i'll just find out the hard way......*gulps*

Said like a true reader! I know what you mean. I did the same thing with Tris & Izzie because I'm a really stubborn person like that. Sounds like we have a bit in common ;)

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #55 on: January 02, 2012, 08:19 AM »
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Said like a true reader! I know what you mean. I did the same thing with Tris & Izzie because I'm a really stubborn person like that. Sounds like we have a bit in common ;)

yeah sounds like it ^^ it's just sometimes you have to find out by yourself, people have different tastes and see things differently so.....
and really? and how did that work out for you?

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #56 on: January 02, 2012, 08:28 AM »
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yeah sounds like it ^^ it's just sometimes you have to find out by yourself, people have different tastes and see things differently so.....
and really? and how did that work out for you?

Oh God it was horrible, but I made myself finish it. I can't just stop reading a book, no matter how bad I find it.
Actually I think I reviewed it  on STP, if you want to see exactly how much I didn't like it here's the link:
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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #57 on: January 02, 2012, 08:42 AM »
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Oh God it was horrible, but I made myself finish it. I can't just stop reading a book, no matter how bad I find it.
Actually I think I reviewed it  on STP, if you want to see exactly how much I didn't like it here's the link:
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oh man you did find it horrible, you wrote like this whole mini essay on how bad it was! lmao
when I don't like a book, I just keep scanning til I find something interesting and keep scanning again til I reach the end, heheheh :P

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #58 on: January 02, 2012, 08:51 AM »
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oh man you did find it horrible, you wrote like this whole mini essay on how bad it was! lmao
when I don't like a book, I just keep scanning til I find something interesting and keep scanning again til I reach the end, heheheh :P

I tend to rip anything I do not like to shreds! LOL :P
And since I had such a strong reaction to that one, I did not want anyone else to get themselves in the same situation.

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #59 on: January 02, 2012, 08:56 AM »
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I tend to rip anything I do not like to shreds! LOL :P
And since I had such a strong reaction to that one, I did not want anyone else to get themselves in the same situation.

lol yeah i get what you mean, that's good though people have been warned! so what sort of genres do you like to read?
and thanks for giving me my first Thank You! ^^

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Re: The Do-Not-Fly Book List
« Reply #60 on: January 02, 2012, 09:00 AM »
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lol yeah i get what you mean, that's good though people have been warned! so what sort of genres do you like to read?
and thanks for giving me my first Thank You! ^^

Hmm, I'm not totally dedicated to a specific genre or anything but I tend to drift towards YA, paranormal romance, contemporary romance, paranormal, urban fantasy, dystopia, etc. How about you?


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