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Author Topic: Twilight Fanfiction 2024 Search Thread  (Read 311180 times)

Offline ficfangirl

Twilight Fanfiction 2024 Search Thread
« on: December 31, 2023, 11:58 PM »

BEFORE YOU REQUEST A TWIFIC, LOOK HERE FIRST: ***Index to Twilight Fanfiction on PTS: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login  The Index runs a little behind the uploads to this thread, so search the thread, too.

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Thanks are always appreciated. It's two clicks. One click to download the story and one click on the thank you button. It's the least we can do for the time and effort people put in to finding and sharing with us!

Just a few other friendly reminders:

Please use the subject and tags lines as follows (with no colon after UL, LINK and REQ)
When uploading a story it would be like this: UL The ABC story by author123
For Links, it would be: Link DurtyNelly blog
Requests for stories: REQ The ABC story by author123

Are you looking for a specific fic?  In the upper right hand corner is a search box with a drop down menu. Type in your search criteria and you will probably find the story has already been uploaded.  If you search and can't find what you're looking for, feel free to ask.  Remember that the Index to Uploaded Twilight stories always runs at least a month behind this thread.  So you need to search the current month as well as the Index when you're looking for a story, especially one that has recently been pulled.

Remember - Search before you request and Search before you upload!

Let me make some other suggestions that might make your life easier.  If you click the notify button (at the top or bottom of the page), you'll get an e-mail when something new is posted on the thread.  You can do this for any thread you're interested in following.  Also, if you bookmark the thread, when you access it through your bookmarks, it will have a little red "new" which, if you click on it, will take you to the last place you were on the thread.  This also works if you access the thread through the home page (fanfict alley, then the thread).  You do have to be signed in to get the benefits of the "new" button.  If you go the "notify" route, you'll be accessing from your e-mail and it will take you to the post that you received the notification on.

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« Last Edit: January 10, 2024, 12:14 PM by ficfangirl »
Please search before requesting or posting.  Check the You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login for uploaded Twilight fanfiction.


Offline wizards30

LINK Disregarded Consequence by SweetLovinCullen
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2024, 09:02 AM »
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Hey guys longtime fan fiction reader here! I learned English just to be able to read more stories, as such a few years back I read a fanfic and the plot was:

Edward was a tattoo artist and he and Bella were in a secret relationship or FWB relationship and she ended up pregnant, Edward rejected her and the baby and she ended up going through her pregnancy alone. He came back when the baby was a toddler and one of the scenes I remember them being in bed with the baby and her drawing on top off his tattoos and learning how to speak!

If anyone has any ideas of the name of the fanfiction I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you

Disregarded Consequence by SweetLovinCullen
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Summary: Edward's walls go up the moment he feels an intense attraction to Bella. He fights against it and Bella but ultimately he gives in and the consequence will change both their lives forever. But will it be for the better or worse? Rated M. Tattward. ExB. AH
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Offline Vampire Velocity

LINK Thrice Betrothed by Fyrebyrd
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2024, 04:25 PM »
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There’s an older complete AH that is being posted as new. That’s her drama. But, I now want to reread the original Twilight FF. I can’t find it on my alert/saved tabs. Does this sound familiar:

Princess Isabella Swan is being married off to nearby ally by her father. She finds a wounded stranger in the woods. She and a reluctant Angela nurses him back to health in her secret cottage. It comes out he is respected soldier and escorts her to her new home and husband, James. Angsty and dramatic and romantic.

This sounds like Thrice Betrothed by Fyrebyrd, except Bella was engaged to James, they weren't married yet.

What happens when a small sacrifice for your country becomes the greatest sacrifice you will ever make.
Status: complete
Published: 2015-12-17
Updated: 2017-05-26
Words: 72499
Chapters: 38
Rated: Fiction M - Language: English - Genre: Romance/Angst - Reviews:
1,714 - Favs: 544 - Follows: 504
Original source: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Mod edit by ficfangirl - no colon after UL, LINK or REQ please. The search engine doesn't like it. I have fixed your subject line for you.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 09:30 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: wizards30, ficfangirl, paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy

Offline violetc

Re: Twilight Story Search
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2024, 02:56 AM »
First time writing here looking for fanfics so I apologize if I did it wrong. I’ve searched through the forums but haven’t seen these four fanfics I’ve been looking for. Perhaps someone else knows them? I don’t know the names of the fics or the authors as they’re not new fics but here are the summaries

1) Edward hires a house maid to clean his quite large home. I think he mentioned to Bella that he was a translator of books for university or something? He seems to be a recluse and is home quite a lot, working from his office/library. As a maid, Bella is asked to be really quiet to not disturb Edward. Bella is a student and accepts the job offer but I think she is an exchange student or something. Anyway, Edward buys here a bike because she goes grocery shopping for dinner to cook for Edward whenever she’s working. She was asked by the retiring maid that Edward didn’t have any favorite meals so Bella experiments a lot and Edward mentioned what he likes and doesn’t like along the way. Additionally, he always eats alone so Bella readies the dinner table and retreats to the kitchen when Edward comes to eat dinner. Other details: Edward custom made a uniform blue dress for Bella to wear whenever she worked for him. And down the line in the story, Edward asks Bella to join him for dinners, either kneeling by him or eating by the dinner table. Mike newton works at fresh produce store Bella buys fish/meet from.
FOUND - A Slow Boil by kts

2) Edward is a really shy and quiet doctor who lives alone. He meets Bella, her daughter and an orphan but at the hospital and adopts said boy after a lengthy period of treatments. But he needs help and so he hires Bella as a live in nanny and her daughter also lives with Edward. Bella falls for Edward first because he doesn’t realize her feelings for him. But they become a pair soon after I think.

3) Edward and Bella are childhood lovers and plan all the way up to which uni/college they should go to together. There is a big time skip leading the readers into the future where Bella broke up with Edward and Edward went to the uni alone without Bella. I think Bella remained in Forks. Edward returns some years later, quite bitter and angry any Bella. Especially since she hasn’t moved on with her life and is in the small town. She’s had a tough few years while Edward was gone but further into the story, we read that Bella broke up with Edward because she didn’t get the grades she needed or wanted and was afraid of Edward having to go to a different uni that wasn’t as good as the one they had selected together. So she broke up with Edward, he didn’t ask any questions as he just left angrily. Until he returned home to his family.
FOUND - Contractually Bound by LyricalKris

4) this is a shorter fanfic I think. Edward and Bella go to the same uni/college. But Edward is a monarch from UK and is allowed to go to the US(?) for studies as long as his identity is hidden. He and Bella quickly fall in love, she still doesn’t know his true identity. His identity is only revealed during the graduation ceremony and Bella flies in sadness. Especially since her family isn’t alive and no one is there to support her. I remember that Edward ran out after Bella and tells her his true identity right outside the ceremony hall and she listens to him and accepts who he is.

Anyone know any of these stories? <3 thank you in advance!!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 10:05 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy

Offline illusionofhappiness1975@gmail.com

A Slow Boil by kts.
« Reply #44 on: January 28, 2024, 03:20 AM »
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First time writing here looking for fanfics so I apologize if I did it wrong. I’ve searched through the forums but haven’t seen these four fanfics I’ve been looking for. Perhaps someone else knows them? I don’t know the names of the fics or the authors as they’re not new fics but here are the summaries

1) Edward hires a house maid to clean his quite large home. I think he mentioned to Bella that he was a translator of books for university or something? He seems to be a recluse and is home quite a lot, working from his office/library. As a maid, Bella is asked to be really quiet to not disturb Edward. Bella is a student and accepts the job offer but I think she is an exchange student or something. Anyway, Edward buys here a bike because she goes grocery shopping for dinner to cook for Edward whenever she’s working. She was asked by the retiring maid that Edward didn’t have any favorite meals so Bella experiments a lot and Edward mentioned what he likes and doesn’t like along the way. Additionally, he always eats alone so Bella readies the dinner table and retreats to the kitchen when Edward comes to eat dinner. Other details: Edward custom made a uniform blue dress for Bella to wear whenever she worked for him. And down the line in the story, Edward asks Bella to join him for dinners, either kneeling by him or eating by the dinner table. Mike newton works at fresh produce store Bella buys fish/meet from.

Number 1 is A Slow Boil by kts.
The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, violetc, zappy, Frill

Offline Kdogisthename

Re: Twilight Story Search FOUND
« Reply #45 on: January 28, 2024, 11:58 AM »

Searching for a story I read a while ago. Bella and Edward fell in love, but towards the end of the story bella dies on her way home while cyckling because she was hit by a car. If i remember correctly, the story was somehow similar to ”a walk to remember”.

Does anybody remember such fanfiction?

FOUND - In Places No One Will find by CarieCee
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 10:06 PM by ficfangirl »
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Offline illusionofhappiness1975@gmail.com

In Places No One Will Find by CarieCee
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2024, 12:02 PM »
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Searching for a story I read a while ago. Bella and Edward fell in love, but towards the end of the story bella dies on her way home while cyckling because she was hit by a car. If i remember correctly, the story was somehow similar to ”a walk to remember”.

Does anybody remember such fanfiction?

I think this is In Places No One Will find by CarieCee. It’s in the index.

The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy, Kdogisthename, CallMeLyd

Offline Kdogisthename

Re: In Places No One Will Find by CarieCee
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2024, 12:26 PM »
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I think this is In Places No One Will find by CarieCee. It’s in the index.

It is!! Thank you :)
The following users thanked this post: avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy, illusionofhappiness1975@gmail.com

Offline S.

Link Contractually Bound by LyricalKris ff.net
« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2024, 12:39 PM »
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3) Edward and Bella are childhood lovers and plan all the way up to which uni/college they should go to together. There is a big time skip leading the readers into the future where Bella broke up with Edward and Edward went to the uni alone without Bella. I think Bella remained in Forks. Edward returns some years later, quite bitter and angry any Bella. Especially since she hasn’t moved on with her life and is in the small town. She’s had a tough few years while Edward was gone but further into the story, we read that Bella broke up with Edward because she didn’t get the grades she needed or wanted and was afraid of Edward having to go to a different uni that wasn’t as good as the one they had selected together. So she broke up with Edward, he didn’t ask any questions as he just left angrily. Until he returned home to his family.

Anyone know any of these stories? <3 thank you in advance!!

I know this one!!!

Contractually Bound by LyricalKris
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“Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.”
The following users thanked this post: ficfangirl, avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, violetc, zappy

Offline violetc

Re: A Slow Boil by kts.
« Reply #49 on: January 28, 2024, 02:37 PM »
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Number 1 is A Slow Boil by kts.
Omg thank you!!!
The following users thanked this post: paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy

Offline violetc

Re: Link Contractually Bound by LyricalKris ff.net
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2024, 02:40 PM »
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I know this one!!!

Contractually Bound by LyricalKris
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Omg how did I miss this! I’ve scrolled through LyricalKris’ summaries a hundred times!! Thank you so much - reading this now
The following users thanked this post: avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, S., zappy

Offline violetc

Re: Twilight Story Search
« Reply #51 on: January 28, 2024, 03:00 PM »
Looking for another fanfic I can’t remember the name of - spoiler ahead to recap the fic.

Carlisle and Esme struggled to conceive and so Carlisle does a lot of research on plants and herbs. They have Edward but quickly realize that his touch is poisonous. They live inside tall walls and he doesn’t go out. One day he hears Bella and some friends make lot of noise when walking by and that’s how he meets Bella and they ultimately end up together. Through their relationship, Bella’s skin also becomes poisonous to the touch of others but it’s OK with the Cullens.
I don’t remember if this story was sent back in the days or not.
Anyone know the name of this fic? Thank you in advance! 🙏
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 10:03 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy

Offline ttrentnk

REQ Negotiations by Nobloodnofoul
« Reply #52 on: January 28, 2024, 04:32 PM »
Does anyone happen to have Negotiations by Nobloodnofoul? Please and TIA!!!!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 10:02 PM by ficfangirl »
The following users thanked this post: avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy

Offline avag

Re: Negotiations by nobloodnofoul
« Reply #53 on: January 28, 2024, 05:29 PM »
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Does anyone happen to have Negotiations by Nobloodnofoul? Please and TIA!!!!

Negotiations by nobloodnofoul.  12 words left on FFN
This is what I found out.  This story is being rewritten on Wattpad.  I am unable to access this site at the moment.
The following users thanked this post: paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy, ttrentnk

Offline Vampire Velocity

UL Negotiations by nobloodnofoul
« Reply #54 on: January 28, 2024, 06:13 PM »
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Does anyone happen to have Negotiations by Nobloodnofoul? Please and TIA!!!!

Negotiations by nobloodnofoul (complete one shot)

mod edit by ficfangirl - Please do not put a colon after UL, LINK, or REQ.  The search engine does not like it.  If you do not put the name and author of the story in the subject line and in the body of your post, the search engine has trouble finding it.  Our members have asked that you indicate whether an uploaded story is complete or incomplete.  If incomplete, how many chapters are being posted.  I have fixed these items for you in this post. 
« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 05:14 PM by ficfangirl »
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Offline jklly12

Re: Negotiations by nobloodnofoul
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2024, 01:59 PM »
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Negotiations by nobloodnofoul.  12 words left on FFN
This is what I found out.  This story is being rewritten on Wattpad.  I am unable to access this site at the moment.

under what pen name is she posting under there
“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.”- Bruce Lee

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Offline avag

Re: Negotiations by nobloodnofoul
« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2024, 02:47 PM »
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under what pen name is she posting under there
penname Eileen Bishop3
I still can't  access Wattpad but if you  go to her nobloodnofoul bio on fanfiction.net she explains what she is doing.
The following users thanked this post: paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy, YessC, CallMeLyd

Offline Descartes1

Re: Twilight Story Search FOUND
« Reply #57 on: January 29, 2024, 03:59 PM »

I am trying to find a Bella/alternate pairing fic. Bella moves to Forks and goes to high school. Edward is attracted to her and starts killing girls in her school (Lauren & Jessica) - leaving their bodies in Bella's yard to get her attention. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any help finding the name of this fic/author would be appreciated.


FOUND - Finding Offerings by Mrstrentreznor  no response or thanks from requestor
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 10:21 PM by ficfangirl »
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Offline ficfangirl

Re: REQ CaraNo - More outtake
« Reply #58 on: January 29, 2024, 10:16 PM »
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Hi there! I am re-reading CaraNo’s More. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remembered she donated one of her juicy chapters (I believed it was Chapter 21—A glimpse into Isabella's mind) to a fandom event. I’m wondering if the version on her website is full because that chapter seemed shorten. If not, do u have the copy of that particular chapter. TIA :angel:

I believe you're looking for Chapter 21 of the copy of More that's been uploaded.  You will find a link to a copy of More by CaraNo in the Index.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 10:36 PM by ficfangirl »
Please search before requesting or posting.  Check the You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login for uploaded Twilight fanfiction.
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Offline ficfangirl

Re: People Like Us by justginger
« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2024, 10:36 PM »
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I have been looking for a B/E story that is fairly old and cannot remember the name of it or much about the story itself! Edward is a famous actor and they go through a lot to stay together, marry and in the end the part I remember the most is Bella and children awaiting his return from (I think) in South America, a long absence making a movie. It is driving me crazy! Hopefully someone might recognize it!

Maybe it's People Like Us by justginger and its sequel, A Family Like Ours?
Please search before requesting or posting.  Check the You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login for uploaded Twilight fanfiction.
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Offline anny1209

Re: REQ CaraNo - More outtake
« Reply #60 on: January 29, 2024, 10:56 PM »
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I believe you're looking for Chapter 21 of the copy of More that's been uploaded.  You will find a link to a copy of More by CaraNo in the Index.

Thank you! I am just wondering whether the version you mentioned is completed because it seemed the chapter has more to say (frankly speaking, the $ex scene is not done lol)
The following users thanked this post: avag, paula2838bu, Tricklem, zappy


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