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FanFiction Alley / Link By Way of Sorrow by jaxington (ffn)
« Last post by cathy29jes on June 26, 2024, 11:55 PM »
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Apparently I also looked for it a couple of years ago and I just figured out how to view that post.

By Way of Sorrow by jaxington

Bella Cullen has spent the last ninety-five years giving everything to protect her family and mourning the loss of her long dead human husband. A trip to Alaska to meet Tanya's latest romantic interest changes everything. The vampire she meets there has his face, his hair, and his body, but not his memories. It's a strange new world.
the story is still on FFN
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Have a good day ,
FanFiction Alley / Re: Twilight Story Search
« Last post by Ladybird on June 26, 2024, 10:02 PM »
Hi! I’m looking for a story, but I haven’t read it in a least 5 years. All human. Bella and Edward love next door to each other. I think they’re 1-2 years apart I’m age. Bella clearly has a crush on Edward, but he doesn’t reciprocate. Edward leaves for college and I think he comes back for Christmas and he begins to like Bella back. Also, Edward has a little sister, but she’s not Alice. I think she’s under 10. I know I’m not giving a whole lot of information, but I would really any help.
FanFiction Alley / Re: Twilight Story Search FOUND
« Last post by C-boggs on June 26, 2024, 04:55 PM »
I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong. I don’t really know how to post things on here 😂 I’m looking for a a fanfic that I read years ago but I can’t remember the author or title. I’ve been trying for at least a week now!

Edward and Bella are together as humans in the early 1900’s. They end up getting married but Edward leaves for the war, unknowingly, leaving Bella pregnant. It’s believed that Edward is MIA and bella is changed while pregnant. Fast forward to a more modern time and bella meets Edward again as well as the Cullens. Their daughter is away at camp with jake or something. Edward has lost his memory during the change and Bella takes them back to their old house and shows him her memories from their life together. The Volturi are forcing Bella to work with them in exchange for her daughters protection.

edit: Apparently I also looked for it a couple of years ago and I just figured out how to view that post.

By Way of Sorrow by jaxington

Bella Cullen has spent the last ninety-five years giving everything to protect her family and mourning the loss of her long dead human husband. A trip to Alaska to meet Tanya's latest romantic interest changes everything. The vampire she meets there has his face, his hair, and his body, but not his memories. It's a strange new world.

FOUND - By Way of Sorrow by jaxington
FanFiction Alley / Re: Twilight Story Search
« Last post by Emik316 on June 26, 2024, 02:28 PM »
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a fanfic and unfortunately cannot remember neither the name nor the author.
It starts with Edward texting a random number (maybe a number neighbour?). Bella is in a relationship at the time. Edward is with Tanya, but as the texting evolves into a relationship, he breaks up with her. Bella also breaks up and they want to meet up, but on that day, Tanya calls her from Edward’s phone and insinuates she’s pregnant with Edward’s child. Unfortunately, Bella quit her work and left her apartment as she was planning to meet Edward, so upon receiving this news from Tanya, she goes back to Forks to live with her father and Edward later finds her there.
Anyone has any idea how it’s called?

I’d be very thankful!
FanFiction Alley / Re: Twilight Fanfiction - Discussion and Recommendations 2019 version
« Last post by Flower98 on June 26, 2024, 11:06 AM »

Can someone recommend stories bella/edward stories where bella is already a vampire when she meets the Cullens?

Thank you!
FanFiction Alley / Re: REQ anyone else but you by iambeagle
« Last post by ficfangirl on June 25, 2024, 08:47 PM »
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Hi guys, I was looking in the index and couldn’t find the story anyone else but you by iambeagle. Does anyone’s has it complete?

Anyone Else But You by iambeagle is listed in the Index.  It was pulled incomplete.
FanFiction Alley / Re: Savage7289 - Want No More | What I Want
« Last post by ficfangirl on June 25, 2024, 08:43 PM »
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Hi! I am looking for a fanfic that I read ages ago, but I cant find it and it is driving me mad. The fanfic was all-human and it was like a one-shot or a short story. All I remember was that Edward held a lot of people hostages in a building and Bella is one of those hostages. However, he kind of falls for her. I think he did it to get revenge on Aro or something that was the CEO of the company that Bella works at. But I am not completely sure if I remember it correctly.

Anyone have any idea which fic I am talking about ?  :)

Savage7289 - Want No More and What I Want.
One is from Bella's POV and one is from Edward's POV
FanFiction Alley / REQ anyone else but you by iambeagle
« Last post by Lauren0515688 on June 25, 2024, 07:22 PM »
Hi guys, I was looking in the index and couldn’t find the story anyone else but you by iambeagle. Does anyone’s has it complete?
FanFiction Alley / Re: Twilight Story Search
« Last post by mmmmm on June 25, 2024, 04:23 PM »
Just posted a question here, but there are two more fanfics I am looking for!

Fic 1: Bella is a serial killer who kills men who are misogynistic and Edward moves in next door to her and is an FBI agent. He suspects that she is the killer, but falls in love with her.
FOUND - Say Goodbye by Chloe Mason

Fic 2: Edward was a french chef or something, with half of his face scarred because his ex spilled hot liquid on him because he was a womanizer. Bella however falls in love with him.

Thank you, hope anyone can help find them :D
FanFiction Alley / Re: Twilight Story Search FOUND
« Last post by mmmmm on June 25, 2024, 03:26 PM »
Hi! I am looking for a fanfic that I read ages ago, but I cant find it and it is driving me mad. The fanfic was all-human and it was like a one-shot or a short story. All I remember was that Edward held a lot of people hostages in a building and Bella is one of those hostages. However, he kind of falls for her. I think he did it to get revenge on Aro or something that was the CEO of the company that Bella works at. But I am not completely sure if I remember it correctly.

Anyone have any idea which fic I am talking about ?  :)

FOUND - Savage7289 - Want No More and What I Want
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